Sexy sexy sexy russian male personalities

Artem Elkin
In another thread someone claimed he had prior username he targeted the 'gay' male market in following him. But once his popularity grew that is when he started distancing himself from his old 'gay' followers.
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Perhaps, we could team up with some exhibitionistic women on LPSG who could get nudes (pics and vids) of the heterosexual Russian muscle men...:innocent:

I would appreciate it if they could get nudes of some Russian bodybuilders.


Denis' muscle cock looks dreamy big.


I'm sure Aleksandr would flaunt it for almost any woman.

Judy a crazy idea. :D
Perhaps, we could team up with some exhibitionistic women on LPSG who could get nudes (pics and vids) of the heterosexual Russian muscle men...:innocent:

I would appreciate it if they could get nudes of some Russian bodybuilders.

View attachment 25948741
Denis' muscle cock looks dreamy big.


I'm sure Aleksandr would flaunt it for almost any woman.

Judy a crazy idea. :D

Alexander has few porn vids tho
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