Sexy sexy sexy russian male personalities

Being Russia such a homophobic country, how do they tolerate such a homoerotic practice like bodybuilding where men flaunt their bodies in front of men and why so many Russian bodybuilders like some in the pics broadcast on gay sites such as F4F?

Helps the national balance of payments, I imagine. Hard cocks equal hard currency and the trouble has been very flaccid since the oil price collapsed in 2014.

Posing nude isn’t the same as being gay, after all.
Helps the national balance of payments, I imagine. Hard cocks equal hard currency and the trouble has been very flaccid since the oil price collapsed in 2014.

Posing nude isn’t the same as being gay, after all.
No, but it is nonetheless a homoerotic spectacle where men flaunt their enhanced secondary sex traits to impress other men and be crowned as the men with the best bodies which is an euphemism for male sex appeal in the end.
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