Я, как бы, не жалуюсь, что слив есть, но моё дело предупредить)тонкий лед ты наводишь. не начинал бы эту тему лучше
Kind of mean to post the guys personal details as well. You could have left that out so he could remain anonymous.
no one wrote this about the previous gymnast guy, and he was barely 18, too. i mean, do you have any personal interest in this?@Mr. LPSG since your staff don't care (they've refused multiple times to help) , could you delete the part of this message where the guys personal details are exposed? He's practically a kid and at least deserves to be anonymous.
If I'd noticed that post I would have said the same thing. But I didn't see it.no one wrote this about the previous gymnast guy, and he was barely 18, too. i mean, do you have any personal interest in this?
How we can watch videos? Any tip guys? Before it was workings in every 5-6 minslink don't work((
Игорь Миллер
It doesn’t work we can see videos anymore
Well, I don't know, it worked for me yesterdayIt doesn’t work we can see videos anymore
Там же есть его онлифанс внизу. Или речь о соцсетях?can something id him? View attachment 59738091
This guy is Andrew from fitcasting. Video and pics Attached.
Enjoy, Dave