Sexy sexy sexy russian male personalities

Oh fuck. It doesn't stop surprising me to know how hot Russian men are.
Groma from Egoistka club.
This man is hotness and dances so sexy. I love that hairy beefy body and that bulge says it all. Cykâ!
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I love how his sweaty body from dancing glows because of the light. That's so hot.View attachment 62198871
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Oh yes he's one of the best men at Egoistka club. Very sexy guy and a good fucker, as I know
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Oh really? Well with those moves I don't doubt he is good at sex. I think all those dancers must be good too because they move those hips and waist so sexy.
As I know he's very popular among clients. Because he know how to satisfy a woman (or a man, I'm not sure lol) Egoistka has very nice guys now
As I know he's very popular among clients. Because he know how to satisfy a woman (or a man, I'm not sure lol) Egoistka has very nice guys now
Now that you mentioned "man". I always wonder that some of those guys must be straight, but I don't think all of them. I mean there might be some who are bi or even gay. But then I think why a gay guy would be working in a ladies night club. However, there could a possibility, right?
Can anyone ID him?
Any vid