Sexy sexy sexy russian male personalities

So I came across this guy on Instagram this morning, I screenshotted a couple of his reel videos, had a wank over him lol but stupidly forgot to 'like', save or screenshot his profile/pics like I usually do, and now I can't find him anymore. Any chance anyone knows who he is? Really wanna find him. Pretty sure he's Russian.. not sure if he's a male model as well but seems to be a fitness influencer.



So I came across this guy on Instagram this morning, I screenshotted a couple of his reel videos, had a wank over him lol but stupidly forgot to 'like', save or screenshot his profile/pics like I usually do, and now I can't find him anymore. Any chance anyone knows who he is? Really wanna find him. Pretty sure he's Russian.. not sure if he's a male model as well but seems to be a fitness influencer.

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