Sexy sexy sexy russian male personalities

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In the United States of America, things aren't so clear. Some states also criminalize homosexuality, treating it differently, as a deviation from natural or traditional sexual relations, sexual intercourse with a person of the same sex, etc. In eight states of the United States - Alabama, Arizona, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas and Utah - since 2014 have imposed a ban on the promotion of homosexuality, i.e. went even further than Russia did. Punishments are severe, from a fine to 10 to 15 years in prison. But in the U.S., the Supreme Court ruled that laws that prohibit same-sex sexual relations were not constitutional and it is difficult to say what is really going on there. And the cherry on a cake in the American propaganda against Russia is that the nearest ally of the USA in the Asian East - Saudi Arabia, not only finances terrorists, but also cuts off local gay heads. Publicly on the market square. The American government prefers not to notice all this..thinking it's okay, as it is busy with russophobia and inventing new any kind of fakes against Russia.
In modern Russia, not a single gay man has ever been imprisoned for homosexuality.
St. Pererburg alone has more gay clubs than the entire liberal Sweden.
What kind of crap did you write))

A typical representative of Russian fags: sleeps with men and is homophobe inside, does not see obvious problems, does not know that there are other regions and what is happening there. But only America is to blame for all his troubles, it also took a shit in his pants)
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What kind of crap did you write))

A typical representative of Russian fags: sleeps with men and is homophobe inside, does not see obvious problems, does not know that there are other regions and what is happening there. But only America is to blame for all his troubles, it also took a shit in his pants)
I don't want to sink into such conversations, but a girl lately fled st petersburg because she had stupidity to kiss her girlfriend in public, some watchfull and deeply offended citizen reported it to the police, the law-enforcer decided that she is a wellspring of easily completed work quotas for him or even a possible case for future promotion and so started criminal prosecution for the case of "propaganda", which will spiral on and on with more severe charges. And this is not some singular case to be highlighted, but a working system with interested actors in police workers. So reading that was cringy at best.