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My mistake, I think they was a police officer who looked him it could be the same person popular few years back. It was a stock photo of said officer in an event in Kiev as well.

I think the Kiev cop reminds me a little bit of Brandon Good.

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I am very sad to have not saw his session on flirt 4 free I was curious to see him interact with people. I have checked but i don't see his account, probably he deleted. I find him very sexy.:imp:
Do you know when his profile was active?
I think it was about 2011-2013. He stopped camming after he started working for that creep Andrei Korniv. But apparently he's a "celebrity fitness trainer" now so I don't think we're ever gonna see him camming again. We need to find his old stuff.


I think it was about 2011-2013. He stopped camming after he started working for that creep Andrei Korniv. But apparently he's a "celebrity fitness trainer" now so I don't think we're ever gonna see him camming again. We need to find his old stuff.
Is his profile still active on thebestflex as 'David King'?.
I think it was about 2011-2013. He stopped camming after he started working for that creep Andrei Korniv. But apparently he's a "celebrity fitness trainer" now so I don't think we're ever gonna see him camming again. We need to find his old stuff.

Probably not such a long time ago (2011-2013) because I don't think he is so old may be (2014-2016)? Do you know how old is him? He seems travel frequently, who knows how he find all that money.....I saw that he has done a site for trainer with his friend. I'd like see his videos of f4f but i dubt we can see.