That makes me hopeful because I always thought that you needed at least 5.5 inches of girth to really get ladies talking. Of course every woman is different and providing a "full" feeling is all about how filled she has been in the past. Do you ever wish you were thicker?
I don't know your size and since you don't have pictures I cannot assess your size either, but I will tell you this, out in the REAL WORLD, again, not in here or among people that are into bigger penises (which I've found most women are perfectly happy with anything that's normal, not too big not too small as long as you're a good lover in general), if you have 6" length and 5" or over in girth you are already above average. This means that maybe the girl you're sleeping with has encounter a guy with a bigger penis but most of them will be your size or slightly smaller.
I've gone through a transformation phase to be hones with you, I'm a grower plus I am genetically inclined to have a rather large fat pad even though I'm not overweight, and my legs are pretty thick and muscular so the overall appearance of my cock was an issue for me while I was growing up.... I though I was smaller than normal. It never created issues and I always had sex and enjoyed it a lot but there was a tiny bit of confidence issue deep inside and I wished I was bigger. especially while soft.
But as time went on I read more and more about penis size and after I joined this website I had the opposite happen, my confidence GREW.......granted, some guys here (or I must say A LOT of guys here) can make you feel tiny, but as I read about size and measuring and studies etc etc I realised you're supposed to measure BONE PRESSED, I'm 6" NBP but I'm 6.4" BP and can even be 6.6 if I'm EXTREMELY aroused. And most importantly IT MAKES SENSE to measure BP.....when you're having sex if you thrust hard or deeply into the woman it is the equivalent of BPL measurement and believe me a 6.4" cock WILL bottom out most women and they WILL feel it and ask you to be careful. Now, if she's VERY aroused she will accommodate you no problem as we know since the vagina will accommodate larger sizes but it takes time.
So o answer your question, yes I'd like to have a bigger penis but ONLY for my own visual pleasure and ego....but I will tell you this, I'd just go for 7" x 5.6" no more is needed and really just have a bigger thicker flaccid cock, but I repeat ONLY for my own penis has brought me incredible pleasure and incredible compliments, I don't need to have 8x6 or anything like that since most women will find it too big.
5.5" + girth will feel more AMAZING than 5" but 5" is BY NO MEANS thin, and you WILL get comments on it. Maybe not "OMFG AMAZING" but you'd be surprised to know that if you're 5" your girl considers your girth a plus....
To make one last analogy, having 6.5" x 5.1" is like buying a nice Audi or BMW, you buy it, you appreciate it, it's not a ferrari or a Lambo which the moment you see it let alone drive it your jaw is on the floor, but you KNOW you're driving a great car that brings A LOT of joy to you and is FAST...... if you seat on a Toyota later YOU know it's no Audi.
Disclaimer: Not all women are the same, some like it really big and find a 5" girth is nothing, and 6.5" length is just "meh" but from my experience it IS bigger than usual.