shaving the

bliss, I'm very sorry to hear about your grandmother's condition. You and your family have my sincerest sympathy.

As to your shaving because she is dying, if that's a long-held ritual in which you must participate, isn't there an accepted way to do that? I mean, isn't the shaving itself described or required to be done a certain way?

Please forgive my ignorance.
da_blissmachine: no, how the shaving is done is not specified........ but when a family member dies one rids oneself of all hair (except eyelashes)
ORCABOMBER: Hey Bliss, I'm sorry, it's not really the best circumstances to go experimenting, is it.
da_blissmachine: Hey Bliss, I'm sorry, it's not really the best circumstances to go experimenting, is it

come again?
ORCABOMBER: Sorry, I meant that I think that it's would have been better if you could find out how to shave downstairs at your own pace, rather than due to your sad circumstances.

To answer your earlier question, I think that veet is supposedly the best at that sort of thing, so you should be able to go through your hair quicker
Tender: Bliss,
do you mean even the women or just the men of the family?
sorry to hear about your grandmother.
it will grow back pretty quickly though.
women have a foot or so of hair, mine is long, would take a long time to grow that back. dont think i could hack the waiting personally.
as far as down there, have you ever shaved it at all?
it itches like mad lol
so might think about that....

good luck however you decide to do it...

buddy43610: very sorry about your grandmother. i recently purchased "new" nair for men hair remover body cream for back, chest arm and legs. i only used it once on my pubic area and sac without any of the burning that has been reported in other threadsand it worked great. good luck. buddy
da_blissmachine: zeet..... whats that?

and, yes, the women too

yeah I think my floor might get in on it........ shaving me day
ORCABOMBER: It's a hair-removal cream. My brother uses stuff like that for his armpits (I hope!) :eek:
prepstudinsc: I would try the Nair for Men...I've tried it and it did a good job. I don't know how it compares with any of the other creams on the market, but it would be easier than shaving everywhere.
longtimelurker: If you are going to try a hair removal cream (Veet (former Immac, if you didn't know the name) or any others) then for God's sake TRY IT SOMEWHERE NON-SENSITIVE FIRST!!!!

I'm really sensitive to these things for some reason (even the sensitive versions) and it burns my skin to hell and leaves me with a nasty red rash. I tried on my face when I got fed up with shaving once (I get razor burn) - never again!

If they work for you then they can be a godsend (I can't personally imagine why painful waxing is so popular when you can cream them instead), but they do effectively dissolve the hairs, so you don't want to use it somewhere too delicate the first time round in case it dissolves anything else! Armpits and chest/back are probably the safest places to try.

As for the itching, I believe (may be wrong) that creams/waxes etc. are better than shaving, as shaving leaves a flat hair tip, whereas removing the hair completely by wax, cream or plucking leaves a rounded hair tip, which is less irritant.