Show your pictures with using an extender!

New to it as of last week. Too early to see results. But it's way more comfortable with the sleeve between the head and the extender strap. Still looking for a fine line between too little tension and the numbless/slipping from too much tension.

If you came up with a way to create graduated adjustments on the screws by millimeters, then you could just have standard optimal settings pre-set and ready to go each time you put it on without a lot of adjustments to make.

Doing so would also provide an indication for when it is time to increase the settings a part of your growth goals. If you are doing any specific tracking / documentation of the process, this approach might be helpful for that task as well.

Hope this information contains something useful to you.

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Broke mine when I got hard with it on... snapped the damn threads right off and it was the biggest one I could find. Only had it for 3 days too... so I just stick to pumping.20210618_182600.jpg
If you came up with a way to create graduated adjustments on the screws by millimeters, then you could just have standard optimal settings pre-set and ready to go each time you put it on without a lot of adjustments to make.

Doing so would also provide an indication for when it is time to increase the settings a part of your growth goals. If you are doing any specific tracking / documentation of the process, this approach might be helpful for that task as well.

Hope this information contains something useful to you.


I've already taken steps similar to this. The size assortment among extender bars isn't minute enough to offer a gradual length increase - they go from being too short to too long. But I realized that the screw threads are sized for standard metric M4 screws, so I just picked up a series of M4 machine screws in 10mm increments, which serve the purpose well. The screw heads sit inside the rod enclosures that flank the top piece/head attachment.

Next task for me is finding a way to stop the slipping. I wonder if the silicone doesn't offer enough friction against skin for the required tension. I found a tip online for a cotton gauze wrap - I'll try that next.
I've already taken steps similar to this. The size assortment among extender bars isn't minute enough to offer a gradual length increase - they go from being too short to too long. But I realized that the screw threads are sized for standard metric M4 screws, so I just picked up a series of M4 machine screws in 10mm increments, which serve the purpose well. The screw heads sit inside the rod enclosures that flank the top piece/head attachment.

Next task for me is finding a way to stop the slipping. I wonder if the silicone doesn't offer enough friction against skin for the required tension. I found a tip online for a cotton gauze wrap - I'll try that next.

That sounds good. If you are familiar with "coban" stretchy self-adhering gauze wrap they used in healthcare, something like that may stay on better than just the gauze.

I'm wondering if you can take the parts / features of the stretcher you like the most, then just rebuild it with better parts?

Invent a better machine, then make a million, right? I'd buy a higher-quality extender that someone has been given more engineering thought.

I would like an extender that i can use
Here's one of me from yesterday.

View attachment 39913411
Fancy meeting you here. My first gains, were from a similar device I did not have all of your progress reports, to confirm that growth is possible. I think it is smart to mix things up. Just tap it all, until you know you have experienced all of the benefits.
Hey lads! Straight guy here with a curved penis ;) The curve isnt a problem but I want to add length and hopefully straighten mine out a little - the gf lives the curve as it hits her g spot however I’m new to this so any UK guys wanna reach out and help me learn more about a stretcher and costs and shit that would be much appreciated ❤️
Hey lads! Straight guy here with a curved penis ;) The curve isnt a problem but I want to add length and hopefully straighten mine out a little - the gf lives the curve as it hits her g spot however I’m new to this so any UK guys wanna reach out and help me learn more about a stretcher and costs and shit that would be much appreciated ❤️
I am not a UK guy. But I have a few years, under my belt. You can get started for about 30 bucks. I have tried many things, both cheep and expensive. Stretchers, in general, are painful. Vacuum, is more comfortable, but you have to be careful, to tape-up prior. You are good with your curve, So use it to your advantage. There are some ways to manage that, as well

Reach out if you have questions.
First time with new extender... only have .5 of inch left before I max out the base set
Nice selection, that is the only way, I would ever wear an extender, again. The noose is horrible, the vacuum attachment can handle at least 20lbs., of pull. I ordered an extra kit, In case I needed to be 24 inches long. As horrible, as it felt, the downfall, was the base ring, was just too small. I saw my first gains, with it, so achieve what you can, with this device, and then move on.
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Great share Peter Johnson. I would love to hear, what kind of padding you use under the glans. The base girth on my extender, became the real issue, for me. I ground it out with a Dremel, to make it a little wider. In the end, I moved on to something different, but my first gains came from a device very similar.

Has anyone seen measurable results with the vac extenders? I've used a normal extender (X4 Labs) and when I got to the upper sizes, it started to hurt and bruise me.
Has anyone seen measurable results with the vac extenders? I've used a normal extender (X4 Labs) and when I got to the upper sizes, it started to hurt and bruise me.

I have,
the standard extender help me with my first gains, The base was tight, from the start. The noose, was not pleasant, I graduated to vac, hanging, not extending, It worked for me. it still works for me.