That's 99% accurateSaw many videos of him and not seen him cum once
Yes, check older posts. There's one 30-min with him and his brother taking turns fucking a Twink, and receiving blowjobs. It's so sexy that both of them fuck the same hole within seconds of each other. It's also sexy how the momentum of the one brother fucking the Twink, increases the intensity of the other brother getting mouth from the Twink. The boys obviously sense this and enjoy the raw vigorous sexuality of each there any threesome with his brother?
Yes, check older posts. There's one 30-min with him and his brother taking turns fucking a Twink, and receiving blowjobs. It's so sexy that both of them fuck the same hole within seconds of each other. It's also sexy how the momentum of the one brother fucking the Twink, increases the intensity of the other brother getting mouth from the Twink. The boys obviously sense this and enjoy the raw vigorous sexuality of each other.
There’s also a one or two where Kurt is fucking a dude and his brother is visibly in the room while it happens. In one video he even touches/caresses Kurt a bit while Kurt is fucking. It’s pretty hot. These are also older there any threesome with his brother?
do you have a link for the video where he caresses himThere’s also a one or two where Kurt is fucking a dude and his brother is visibly in the room while it happens. In one video he even touches/caresses Kurt a bit while Kurt is fucking. It’s pretty hot. These are also older vids.