Firstly, being a porn actor is a job. Whomever they have sex with on video is not necessarily indicative of what gender(s) they are sexually attracted to.
Secondly, being attracted to more than one gender, or “sexually fluid” as you say, does not automatically equate to being “more horny” or having “sex with anything that moves”. This is just blatant biphobia/panphobia based on false assumptions and stereotypes.
Thirdly, if you don’t like the porn actors you watch to also have sex with women, then fine. Watch whatever you want. However, don’t act as if you’re speaking on behalf of all gay men, because this is not some collective opinion that we all share.
Fourthly, gay/bi men having sex with women does not force anything down anyone’s throat. Which genders other people have sex with is their business and has nothing at all to do with you. This perception you have seems to be more about your emotional baggage related to sexuality than anything else.
Lastly, whatever people identify as is their private matter. They might not be comfortable coming out, or they may not be certain about their sexuality yet, or they may just be exploring out of curiosity, all of which are equally valid. For you to police what queer people identify as and do is just another form controlling sexuality which has historically been used against gay men. So, in effect, what you are doing is no better than homophobia.