Size preference, length, girth discussions

so this measuremnt here is also p.s ?????your opinionView attachment 116061881
Bro this measurement is CRAZY yall need to learn how to measure…get yourself a cloth measuring tape so you can measure your downward curve…measure from the top of your dick…not the side, or the bottom…the top…you can push a little into your pubic bone…then take that same measuring tape and wrap it around your dick to get your girth measurement…that’s how you measure…
Bro this measurement is CRAZY yall need to learn how to measure…get yourself a cloth measuring tape so you can measure your downward curve…measure from the top of your dick…not the side, or the bottom…the top…you can push a little into your pubic bone…then take that same measuring tape and wrap it around your dick to get your girth measurement…that’s how you measure…
that is true way to measure but you don't look as big :)
Awesome…so where did I say I was bigger…I’m confused…even if I was small at least I know how to measure my dick…
you miss understand me i was not having a go at you just making fun out of the guys who measure their cocks from half way up their body to claim a bigger size, i was agreeing with you chill man :)
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you miss understand me i was not having a go at you just making fun out of the guys who measure their cocks from half way up their body to claim a bigger size, i was agreeing with you chill man :)
Ohhhhhhhhh I’m so sorry, that’s my bad I totally read that wrong. i get what you were trying to say now. Text can be hard sometimes
No babes…a hard ruler isn’t going to measure curved dicks correctly…he has a downward curve. A soft measure tape will give him an accurate measurement.
We've been over this a million times... A hard ruler will tell you how much can be inserted. Measuring the curve is like pushing it into your guts - it might make your day but it's useless for us...
View media item 11889741
Here's a length measurement pic of mine, I had to go from the right side near the top due to a soft upwards curve and a reasonably strong left curve
Hot man, indeed always a bit special to measure with both curves. Same here. But so good for thé sex.
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WebMD (how to Measure)

To measure the length of your penis, follow these steps:

  • Press the measuring device into your pubic bone so that it's positioned right at the base — where your penis attaches to your body. This is all the more important in those with belly fat.
  • Measure your erect penis from the base to its tip.
Okay... I have been following the thread "is 5" girth too small" and it drives me to ask, what about a girth of 4.5"?

Mine is just a hair of a fraction below 4.5" around. I know it is thinner than average with my length being 6"... easily 6.5" bone pressed. I know I don't fill or stretch a woman as larger men can.

I also know this is a LARGE penis support site, but it got me curious in the other thread hearing some of you ladies measuring your vibes and surprisingly finding them 4.5 or even 4" around in girth. An erection doesn't have batteries or intense vibrations to offer so is the physical size comparison even relevant for a cock?

Anyway, what are your honest thoughts of a cock only 4.5" around?
4.5” girth is in the average range. 6” is about 0.5” above average. Perfectly fine average cock except for some size queens.
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Just bored , hope you enjoy
Yes, enjoying your pic. Doesn’t look like you are bored to me. Nice body there man. You look like you do boring exercises. : )
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