Smooth head


Experimental Member
May 17, 2006
69% Straight, 31% Gay
I have noticed that most men have a smooth penis head, almost shiny. I am circumcised and don't have any of the smoothness. I don't mean it's like sand paper or anything but it looks almost cracked compared to other cocks. Anyone else share this or know why this might be? There is no problem with it but I have always been curious about the difference.
Pecker said:
It's called being circumcised, normal for a guy with no foreskin which would keep the glans moist and smooth.

But I have seen other circumcised guys that still have a smooth head!!??
Therein lies my confusion.
Just as most folks' faces get lined with age while others stay baby-butt smooth, I guess you could chalk that up to the genes.
Cheers. Appreciated. Sometimes thought that it might be abnormal even though no-one had commented on it.
to circumcise a penis the first thing that has to be done is to seperate the foreskin (which is attached to the glands penis much like your finger nail is attached to your finger)from the glands penis. the tighter the bond between the foreskin and the glands the more tearing there is and therefore there can be more skin removed from the glands, thus making the glands not as smooth or in some cases there can be big hunks removed from the glands.
carl469 said:
to circumcise a penis the first thing that has to be done is to seperate the foreskin (which is attached to the glands penis much like your finger nail is attached to your finger)from the glands penis. the tighter the bond between the foreskin and the glands the more tearing there is and therefore there can be more skin removed from the glands, thus making the glands not as smooth or in some cases there can be big hunks removed from the glands.

Ahhhh. Thankyou. That makes sense. Still gets me a bit angry that it is all done without consent. But such is life I guess. Thanks for your comments
mjfriel said:
Ahhhh. Thankyou. That makes sense. Still gets me a bit angry that it is all done without consent. But such is life I guess. Thanks for your comments

Yeah, most people don't understand the fact that removing the foreskin means tearing it away from the glans. How any doctor could willingly do that to a baby is beyond me.

I've been restoring for a few years now and my glans is a lot smoother than it was before. When the glans rubs up against clothing, it becomes keratinized, when the glans is once again covered by skin, the keratinization will slowly disappear and the glans will become smooth and glossy. Some guys with a loose cut will have very glossy coronas as the foreskin remnant will protect the corona, others as Pecker says, just have smoother skin.
mjfriel said:
I have noticed that most men have a smooth penis head, almost shiny. I am circumcised and don't have any of the smoothness. I don't mean it's like sand paper or anything but it looks almost cracked compared to other cocks. Anyone else share this or know why this might be? There is no problem with it but I have always been curious about the difference.

I do not want to alarm you guy, but next chance you get with your doctor... have him check it out to be sure: There is a viral condition similar to Herpes which can exist , which causes a cracked texture to the glans. I had this happen once but was given a cream to apply twice daily for two weeks. My glans is now very smooth textured.
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Gosh, I think I would have to actually see your penis before making any reliable stab at this, mjfriel. There's lots of 'in betweens' from shiny smooth to being like sandpaper. I've seen some dick heads that have been pumped and resulted in bumps all over, which to me is a bad sight. Could yours be classified as noticeable 'bumps' or just not smooth looking? And, I don't mean bumps that could be felt running your finger tips over it, but just by close visual inspection. I'm uncut and have the smooth look, but have seen many cut dicks that are just as shiny smooth as mine, so I'm not completely comfortable with any answer to your question. I would like knowing what a urologist would say about this.

To acquire a shiny look rub baby oil mixed with vitamin E oil after every shower/tub bath on the head as well as the shaft.
RoysToy said:
Gosh, I think I would have to actually see your penis before making any reliable stab at this, mjfriel.

Is that a request?:biggrin1: Seriously, thanks for the advice. I don't think it is any kind of viral infection or STD as it has been like that since before I was sexually active but I will take the advice of oil use and whatnot and see what happens. It is not bumpy or spotty in any way; just a bit cracked-looking and only smooth on the underside of the head. I think it must just be , as one poster said, that the foreskin has been ripped off badly. Perhaps I will see a urologist about it to put my mind at rest. Thanks for all the comments guys. Gosh, it really does feel like a support group! lol
Im uncut and my head is like mjfriel describes:confused:
Big Ben IV said:
Im uncut and my head is like mjfriel describes:confused:

Glad I'm not alone Big Ben. Someone sent me a PM saying his boyfriend has the same thing although he is uncut. Apparently he thinks it is to do with skin type and how you treat your cock! Too much attention perhaps?:tongue:
im not shur, my foreskin never covers the whole head so mabie thats why:confused:
chico8 said:
Yeah, most people don't understand the fact that removing the foreskin means tearing it away from the glans. How any doctor could willingly do that to a baby is beyond me.

How someone could join a site to talk about one subject is beyond me. :rolleyes:
findfirefox said:
How someone could join a site to talk about one subject is beyond me. :rolleyes:

You obviously haven't looked through all my posts here at lpsg, have you? What I had to say was relevant to the thread, do you have anything to add or are you just here to criticize other posters?
chico8 said:
You obviously haven't looked through all my posts here at lpsg, have you? What I had to say was relevant to the thread, do you have anything to add or are you just here to criticize other posters?
Criticize other posters. :biggrin1:

EDIT- Around 75 of your posts have something to do with foreskin (Being cut, uncut, doctors cuting) out of your 136. So lets just say that I was right in saying something about you. I don't think you have looked at all your posts.
If you believe this nonsense about keratinisation try using a facial scrub (exfoliant) on your dick head. Be very gentle! Then you will find out if your dick head has lost any of its sensitivity.

The only reason your cut dick head is dry is because it is not covered by a foreskin.

Stick your tongue out for long enough it will dry off and feel different to when it is moist. This does not mean that it has suddenly become keratinised it just means it feels different and yes you will get different sensations from it and not be able to taste so well but the moment you make it moist again it will return to its former self with all the attendant feelings.

So it is with a dick head. Moisten your dick with a little water and then use an oil based lube such as olive oil or best of all Alboline and feel that sensation returning.