Sniffies reject


Loved Member
Mar 22, 2024
Melbourne, Victoria, AU
100% Gay, 0% Straight
This happened to me yesterday and I’m still smarting from it.

I logged onto Sniffies to see who is around for a random pick up. There were maybe four or five guys within about four blocks walk from where I live. While looking, one of these men messages with a semi naked pic of himself and says hi. Gives his age (43) and what he’s into. I respond likewise. Several minutes later he messages back and says he doesn’t ‘fuck dead people’. I’m only 10 years older than him and my age was actually on the profile to begin with. He messaged me, not me him. Then he deleted the entire conversation stream and pisses off.

I know men on pick up sites don’t owe you anything but it seems incredibly rude to treat another human being like that. How about some consideration.
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Hey @VisibleMan7, I'm also sorry that happened to you.

My main feedback would be, as clichéd as it sounds, to not take it personally. There are people on apps and websites who quite literally look for someone to put down in order to make themselves feel 'better'. They get a kick from it and a sense of power. It doesn't mean that what he said is true. Only very insecure people who feel powerless inside act in this way.

I'd also add that it's ridiculous that someone who's 43 would be ageist to someone who's 53 (not that it's ever ok to be ageist). You're not *that* far apart in age. He'll get to 53 soon enough - if he's lucky.

I'm 49 myself, so I have some idea what this kind of stuff must feel like. I'm often told I look younger than I am but I know the day will come when this kind of stuff happens to me.

Take care, man. Sending you good vibes down the Hume from Sydney. :)
That's so awful! I'm sorry that happened to you. You absolutely didn't deserve to be treated that way.
Hi, thanks for being so kind. It’s weird but I always think gay guys should look out for one another. But maybe that’s just naive. it sure isn’t the case.
That's so awful! I'm sorry that happened to you. You absolutely didn't deserve to be treated that way.
Hi, thanks for being so kind. It’s weird but I always think gay guys should look out for one another. But maybe that’s just
Hey @VisibleMan7, I'm also sorry that happened to you.

My main feedback would be, as clichéd as it sounds, to not take it personally. There are people on apps and websites who quite literally look for someone to put down in order to make themselves feel 'better'. They get a kick from it and a sense of power. It doesn't mean that what he said is true. Only very insecure people who feel powerless inside act in this way.

I'd also add that it's ridiculous that someone who's 43 would be ageist to someone who's 53 (not that it's ever ok to be ageist). You're not *that* far apart in age. He'll get to 53 soon enough - if he's lucky.

I'm 49 myself, so I have some idea what this kind of stuff must feel like. I'm often told I look younger than I am but I know the day will come when this kind of stuff happens to me.

Take care, man. Sending you good vibes down the Hume from Sydney. :)
thanks for the kind and thoughtful words, fellow Australian. Much appreciated. I did take it personally initially. But then, like you, I thought imagine what he must think of himself in order to treat a complete stranger like that. And I got over it. Besides, friends told me I could drop 15 years from my age and no one would be the wiser. Made me feel a lot better. Enjoy the drive down the Hume 🙂
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This happened and I’m still smarting from it. I logged onto Sniffies for a random pick up. One gave his age (43) and what he’s into. I responded likewise. Several minutes later he messaged back he doesn’t ‘fuck dead people’. I’m only 10 years older + my age was on my profile to begin with. Then he deleted the conversation and pissed off. Men on pick up sites don’t owe you anything but it's incredibly rude to treat another human being like that.

^^Yes, that was incredibly rude. Please be heartened by the fact this crass, ageist dimwit will inevitably be subjected to the same treatment, he gave you, by a younger person. Hopefully he will change for the better then.
I had a really funny sniffies rejection earlier this summer. I went to the dude's office building to suck him off in the restroom. As soon as he walks into the stall he takes one brief glance at me and says, "Uh thanks, I'm good." and then turns around and leaves.
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I had a really funny sniffies rejection earlier this summer. I went to the dude's office building to suck him off in the restroom. As soon as he walks into the stall he takes one brief glance at me and says, "Uh thanks, I'm good." and then turns around and leaves.
Yeah, that is awful. Why are people so horrible to each other? No consideration or respect, especially given the circumstances.
Yeah, that is awful. Why are people so horrible to each other? No consideration or respect, especially given the circumstances.
yeah I did kind of go out of my way for him. I could think of two reasons for the rejection, one is I think he was a bicurious straight guy expecting someone more fem, my face pic I sent him was beardless but I had a thick beard that day. another possible reason is I had been bicycling all day so I might've been sweaty and stinky. or maybe he just chickened out for his own reasons, you can never tell. It did hurt my confidence at the time but I'm laughing at that encounter at this point.
yeah I did kind of go out of my way for him. I could think of two reasons for the rejection, one is I think he was a bicurious straight guy expecting someone more fem, my face pic I sent him was beardless but I had a thick beard that day. another possible reason is I had been bicycling all day so I might've been sweaty and stinky. or maybe he just chickened out for his own reasons, you can never tell. It did hurt my confidence at the time but I'm laughing at that encounter at this point.
Glad you can laugh about it now 😀
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Hi, thanks for being so kind. It’s weird but I always think gay guys should look out for one another. But maybe that’s just naive. it sure isn’t the case.
I feel the same way. And it always surprises me and hurts when it does happen. Just know you're a kind and thoughtful person and I'm sure that the wonderful energy you put out into the world will come back to you!
Sniffies seems to attract some of the rudest people. Some local guys are nice, and others are known for doing the hookup and block thing. You know it's bad when others pre-emptively warn you about them. when you first sign up. People feel safe behind their screens, so they are emboldened to say things they would never say in person. Decide what you will tolerate and stick to it. There are a few things I won't budge on. Don't ask me if I blow clouds (a reference to meth), don't ask me for money, or a ride, and if I have any doubt that the person I'm talking to is not of legal age (21+), then they get blocked. If you're not interested in someone based on their profile, then don't read their message. If people turn you off by their profile alone, maybe just block them from the start and they won't ever see you again.
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