I have loved and put a lot of thought into these vids for years, because while people say “prank”, I’m like, “this… seems like… sexual assault. Am I okay with this? Because it’s SO hot.”
I’ve come to this over time: we live in a heteronormative, comp-het society. In such a society, playing by their rules as if we’re treated equitably is a disservice and diminishing to ourselves and the queer community at large. My experiences and “research”, read: extensive online amateur sexual material watching, leads me to agree with the general statement, we’re all basically multisexual with a lot of fluidity and skews over our lives. To broaden the scope of our more honest and healthy sexuality in a society that is taught otherwise, some otherwise questionable methods of questionable intent may need to be employed.
Because of this, the only video I remember I really have concern with is one where the guy seems so grateful for help removing the “spiders”. It’s the only one where I’m concerned the guy won’t handle well the realization of what happened. All the others look balanced that they go as far as the guy will probably be able to mentally handle. It’s sad, because that’s also one of the hottest in my opinion.
Anyway, thoughts? Or do y’all not want to think about it and prefer I shut-up?