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Spikey Dee with FTM Viktor Belmont (video)

Just randomly ran across this 45 minute video of Spikey with FTM Viktor Belmont. According to Spikey's Twitter, a video of him with Viktor dropped on October 15th. So for those of you who already subscribe to Spikey's OF, you've probably already seen this video (or maybe an abbreviated version of it).

It's horribly edited and in some parts it almost seems like it could possibly be the raw, unedited video file. Like from 15:55 - 16:55 when they're getting ready for a new scene, you can hear Spikey say "We need more quietness..." And then later you can hear the camera person or whatever saying stuff in the background like "We got like 10 more minutes and then we're done. This shit is so hot, I'm about to win an award. I don't know what award, but I'm about to win it."

The video is SO boring to me! :sleeping: But I thought I'd share anyway.
The video is SO boring to me! :sleeping: But I thought I'd share anyway.

Thanks for the share! Maybe not the hottest thing he's done, but kinda fun to see the raw video (with a filename of _source, I think you're right in what this is) and how the production went down - "behind the scenes" - or "how the sausage is made" if you'll forgive that expression in this context. :laughing: