Spirituality of Cocksucking and Cum swallowing

I love taking a facial. It's part of the sharing of yourself for the pleasure of your partner. Wearing his load on your face, looking up into his eyes as he gives of himself! His most precious offering!
Same, I am grateful for his load. And I enjoy letting him mark his territory. He can just zip up and go, but I’ve got to clean his dna off my face and no matter what I can smell it later too, to remind me
Same, I am grateful for his load. And I enjoy letting him mark his territory. He can just zip up and go, but I’ve got to clean his dna off my face and no matter what I can smell it later too, to remind me
I'm with you guys... I feel it's an honor to receive a man's cum. I don't feel it degrading in any way. To be adorned in cum is awesome! I will wipe up what I can and lick it off my fingers!
Having been reading the Theology of the Body, I think this is an interesting conversation. As someone who loves to suck cock (eat ass, fuck, get fuckedz, etc) for a variety of reasons (intimacy, connection, momentary distractions, etc), I've been wondering if maybe when doing this it connects us to God (since we are made in His image) and sex with men is a way to interact with a higher power (be this God or whatever you believe in).
Having been reading the Theology of the Body, I think this is an interesting conversation. As someone who loves to suck cock (eat ass, fuck, get fuckedz, etc) for a variety of reasons (intimacy, connection, momentary distractions, etc), I've been wondering if maybe when doing this it connects us to God (since we are made in His image) and sex with men is a way to interact with a higher power (be this God or whatever you believe in).
Which God tho?
Having been reading the Theology of the Body, I think this is an interesting conversation. As someone who loves to suck cock (eat ass, fuck, get fuckedz, etc) for a variety of reasons (intimacy, connection, momentary distractions, etc), I've been wondering if maybe when doing this it connects us to God (since we are made in His image) and sex with men is a way to interact with a higher power (be this God or whatever you believe in).
I agree. I’ve been sucking the same man for nearly 40 years and I still love doing it. It has never become perfunctory. When he comes deep down my throat I feel like he is sharing himself with me—feeding me—not just physically, but also emotionally, mentally, and spiritually with love. I’ve probably sucked 5 or 6 liters from him over the years.
I'd say I feel almost the same. I have a devotion for cock that is really pure, in a sense that I love cock for the cock itself. I am capable of sucking some men just because the penis is there and I feel it would be the thing I needed to do that moment, not because of the men attached to it.

I think that men are only the means to share and keep a nature's masterpiece. Sucking cocks always make me feel connected to something, like a spiritual experience as you say, and this something it's not the man being sucked, but it can also be (hardly ever it is for me). It transcends him, because he carries a piece of the divine potential for life, pure pleasure and transcendence. This is not for regular people to understand.

I feel like every cock has its proper worshippers, because you need to bond with that cock - it calls you when you see it, you feel something, it's greater than lust and desire - so the worshipping in essence can actually happen. It's something that pulls you towards this merging moment between you and that sacred beautiful thing, until you become one.

As I said, not everyone will understand these things, and we should acknowledge it and consider ourselves blessed for being capable of experiencing such mindfulness this way. We're not here to preach the word of cock, we just found a way to connect to the sacred through interacting with something that can be a beautiful tool to spread love if used correctly.

We're able to just "be" when we're sucking a cock, like some people do when meditate ora pray, and this is simply amazing. Why specifically sucking? I don't know and don't need to. I have no need to rationalize something that makes me feel whole, one with something bigger and giver/receiver of love. A love that's not personal - it's abundant, it's in everything and it also comes to me as this kind of experience. I can only be grateful.

Thanks for sharing and making me know I'm not alone in that haha
Excellent! Love to introduce you to my cock.
Having been reading the Theology of the Body, I think this is an interesting conversation. As someone who loves to suck cock (eat ass, fuck, get fuckedz, etc) for a variety of reasons (intimacy, connection, momentary distractions, etc), I've been wondering if maybe when doing this it connects us to God (since we are made in His image) and sex with men is a way to interact with a higher power (be this God or whatever you believe in).
I believe in this. Pleasure and sexuality are just parts of a conscious experience. There are many ways to experience them. God gave us our genitalia and our sexuality as part of our evolution and existence. Experiencing a man sexually is just part of exploring all that this world has to offer. I think many men that discover that sucking a dick is a way to learn about yourself as a man and connect to male universal energy, which you are a part of. I also believe in a higher plane of existence, there is no male or female, so your soul at its purest form is genderless, which means you have the capacity to love men and women with equal passion and lust. I am no different from a woman that loves to suck a man's dick and swallow his sperm. We both experience the same desire, whether that comes from some feminine instinct or not.