Stance of Men with huge cocks

i think guys with big ones sometime (well most of the time )have flat butts!

Don't know if I can agree or disagree... but I know that years of sports (basketball, track and tennis, in particular) gave me a "non-flatt" ass! :tongue:
Most guys with a nice cock have an arrogant stance. They know they have it and show it. No harm in that!

I think this account for the stance more than lack of room between your legs when standing! when standing, mine is down the inside front of my leg, not between my legs! I'd be more interested in how it affects crossing your legs when sitting!
I cross my legs 'like a girl' when I want to turn off all sex thoughts and need to concentrate on something else, but I pull everything up so I have it in my lap, as it were. It's a way or relaxing for some of us, but I don't usually want to cross my legs like that, except like right now, with my keyboard on my knees.

I guess this kind of answers my question then. Before I get off subject I'll say that I do stand with my legs apart, but I am slightly bow-legged though.
I was going to make a thread with the question of why do, or how are some men able to sit with their legs crossed like a girl. Just for the hell of it, I tried it. And for the life of me I can not do it. Squeezes my sack too much, even when pulling everything up like you mentioned.
Whenever I'm feelin' a bit low I don my pithe helmet and johdpurs, arrange me tool to the left above me knee. Then I stand akimbo and erratically bark, "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!" I not only feel big, I AM BIG! Arrrg, arrr, and arrrrrrgh, me mateys!
I do not think there is any correlation. Having a wide stance or being bow-legged likely has nothing to do with cock and ball size.

I don't find this to be the case at all. I hang 4.5 x 4.5 soft and have balls that measure about 8" around the sack. I don't find that I have to stand with a wider stance or spread my legs any wider than the next guy. Neither do I find it uncomfortable when I need to sit with my legs closer together.

I am totally with you here. There are so many other variables that come into play: ass size, thigh size, overall body build, etc.

Thanks Lex for the only logical reply in this thread to th op. There is no correlation at all to only dick size and stance. Anybody posting that their cock alone prevents them from standing with legs together or crossing them really needs to think about maybe doing a few stretching exercises or maybe just pick your ass up off the chair in front of your computer and limber up...just a little bit. Ridiculous...:smile:
Thanks Lex for the only logical reply in this thread to th op. There is no correlation at all to only dick size and stance. Anybody posting that their cock alone prevents them from standing with legs together or crossing them really needs to think about maybe doing a few stretching exercises or maybe just pick your ass up off the chair in front of your computer and limber up...just a little bit. Ridiculous...:smile:

Maybe you're right, but I tried to word it any other way than saying my nuts get squished all to hell by my massive thighs when they come together.
Exaggerating about the massive thighs but I'm sure you now get my point. "You", not being directed at the person I quoted, just "you" in general.

*gotta have a disclaimer everywhere or everyone gets upset these days*
I think I don't really have to have a wide stance because of basket enormity, but rather I like to have a great swinging space and opening of legs so that the whole crotch feels free. This does translate into a swagger kind of walk, but it's all for having maximum spaciousness. I would think others would have this consideration too, but nobody's mentioned it. It's the usual stance of ballet dancers as they move; you'll always see the crotch pushed notably forward, because that is one of the places from which the body should direct itself if it's to have power.
Even though I'm not huge when soft, I have found myself standing with a wider stance. It just doesn't feel right with my legs close together. I guessed that I hade about a foot of space between my legs when standing.