Stefan pinto

From which magazine is this?
He is from Trinidad and Tobago. He now lives in USA. He is also part indian,like many people from Trinidad and Tobago. People in this country are mixed with africans,indians,arabs,asians ect... Stefan looks half indian and half hispanic. He is a beautiful exotic brown man. He is bisexual. This is what he said on his xtube profile. Other hot muscular fake bisexual men claims to be bisexual for money gains. But they are straight. Stefan is a real bisexual man. Is he more into men or more into women??? For now we see him having sex with men. He produce a lot of sperm. He is very juicy and shoots big loads of sperm that he could turn off a house on fire. He is a good looking man.

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I worked on a play with Stefan years ago in West Hollywood at the now closed Macha Theatre. Super nice guy. Very professional. We flirted with each other a little and exchanged nudes but sadly never fucked.
Oh my. Poor you. You should try to get another play up once this corona is over. Play indoors and outdoors and share with us :D
I do like his pics more than his jerkoff videos--they all practically are the same