Stepan Pereverzev Porn?

Is he gay?

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A big* Madonna fan ;):laughing:

In fact, she's a Madonna stan.
It's quite obvious he is, after all he quotes some of her songs:laughing:. Didn't he recently quote "Vogue"?
I personally don't like Madonna at all. I stan hard for Beyoncé and Rihanna :heart_eyes:
Sidenote: I love Rihanna's cover of Vogue:heart:
Ready for the job I guess? *coughs* escort/webcam *coughs* Those fillers and botox injections do not pay themselves:laughing:
Off topic but I wonder what his end goal is? Will he be escorting into his 40s? Hmm. I've heard about some escorts who use escorting as a source to pay for university or get by in their 20s, or other escorts who are now home-owners thanks to their savings & smart money skills. But usually they save enough money to either start a business or work their way into a lucrative career by some means with the savings.

I don't know Stepan personally but he doesn't seem that bright and I asked that question because he is pushing 40. Although escorts of all ages have their clients, the demand of his clientele will lessen as he ages and will eventually become washed up and replaced for the younger escorts. He seems like the type to just want to live off sugar daddies and travel.
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Backstreet Boys? 4 Real, yo? I think neither has the talent to sing nor do they have their stage presence. That's quite insulting towards the Backstreet Boys :p

I took the liberty and thought this here is more fitting for them

And yes, "I Want It That Way", bitch!:cool:
Off topic but I wonder what his end goal is? Will he be escorting into his 40s? Hmm. I've heard about some escorts who use escorting as a source to pay for university or get by in their 20s, or other escorts who are now home-owners thanks to their savings & smart money skills. But usually they save enough money to either start a business or work their way into a lucrative career by some means with the savings.

I don't know Stepan personally but he doesn't seem that bright and I asked that question because he is pushing 40. Although escorts of all ages have their clients, the demand of his clientele will lessen as he ages and will eventually become washed up and replaced for the younger escorts. He seems like the type to just want to live off sugar daddies and travel.
That's a good question. I don't know him either, but to me it looks like he just wants to live the glamorous life without moving a finger or something that requires hard work. He isn't a professional bodybuilder either, just some IG "model".
In my humble opinion, he relies his success way too much on his looks, his body predominantely . Sure, he looks young (thanks to botox) now but sooner or later his real age will start to show and he won't be able to hide it.
I don't know whether he has plans to open up some business or not but he does follow people with talents and creativity on IG, though I'm not certain if he possesses any of that himself.

Anyway, you described him nicely as "narcisstic escort" which I agree with... and I would also add wannabe model;)
They probably don't know when to stop.

I'd like to know how Russians perceive his unnatural look.
Here in Poland, we have someone who is on equal footing with Stepan when it comes to fillers/conturing whatever.
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(Both have obviously fake jaw lines and pumped up lips :joy: and they even look similar to each other. The only natural thing here is the doggo:joy::joy:)

Anyway, the Polish guy, Paweł Tyburski, gets a lot of shit for his look: People call him "Barbie" (by far the most common joke) or "botox face" - or some fellas crack the joke "Hey Tyburski, where did you do your lips? My girlfriend wants to know!" - so it's anything but positive. Since Russians have a somewhat closer mentality to ours, I'd like to know the general opinion on Stepan over there in Mother Russia. That would seriously interest me.
The Polish guy is good looking but he swears too much
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Our Barbie has despite his fakeness a Polish heart and soul lol:p
I don't know what Stepan has done to you and I am not one to feel the need to defend him but common you sound hurt and bitter. 3 or more pages of you just insulting his appearance because of his enhancement procedure yet you still here lusting for him at the same time. To me it sounds like you are reflecting your own insecurities above all comparing your own looks to his. The guy done nothing to you yet you spend days after days on here talking down on him and calling him all type of names all just to make yourself feel better. Why be so mad at a person who doesn't even know you nor care for your existence? Is not even like he does all these procedures and lie about them. He is very honest about all the stuff he does to his face and body. He owes you nothing.
I don't know what Stepan has done to you and I am not one to feel the need to defend him but common you sound hurt and bitter. 3 or more pages of you just insulting his appearance because of his enhancement procedure yet you still here lusting for him at the same time. To me it sounds like you are reflecting your own insecurities above all comparing your own looks to his. The guy done nothing to you yet you spend days after days on here talking down on him and calling him all type of names all just to make yourself feel better. Why be so mad at a person who doesn't even know you nor care for your existence? Is not even like he does all these procedures and lie about them. He is very honest about all the stuff he does to his face and body. He owes you nothing.
Sure, ask him about his other "profession" on IG and see how long you're following this guy :laughing: So much for honesty.
Besides, it's kind hilarious how everybody masturbates to him when his look is mostly thanks to someone else dabbling with his face, in other words: Each of us here could be a damn supermodel if we had enough money (and having the connections, that is).
I'm not jealous by any means, I'm perfectly fine with myself. I'm just lol'ing how a guy that really used to be very handsome willingly pays money to look like a freak show. Besides, other here make fun of him, too, not just me.:p
Sure, ask him about his other "profession" on IG and see how long you're following this guy :laughing: So much for honesty.
Besides, it's kind hilarious how everybody masturbates to him when his look is mostly thanks to someone else dabbling with his face, in other words: Each of us here could be a damn supermodel if we had enough money (and having the connections, that is).
I'm not jealous by any means, I'm perfectly fine with myself. I'm just lol'ing how a guy that really used to be very handsome willingly pays money to look like a freak show. Besides, other here make fun of him, too, not just me.:p
You just contradicted yourself right here by saying people masturbate to him only thanks to his surgery.
You said:
"Besides, it's kind hilarious how everybody masturbates to him when his look is mostly thanks to someone else dabbling with his face'
Then you said
" I'm just lol'ing how a guy that really used to be very handsome willingly pays money to look like a freak show"
Make up your mind

So either way with or without it, he clearly was and is good looking regardless of the enhancement. I for one liked him before and after. He doesn't look like a freak show. You on his thread being a hater yet can't help but come back fanning everyday and the guy doesn't even know you exist. It sad to see someone else's life bothers yours so much.

Also what he does to earn a living is his business. Stop shaming to make yourself feel better. People like you are the problem. You like to point the fingers at others when the way they live their lives bothers you. The worst form of hypocrisy and denial you are. If only your dirty draws where exposed you wouldn't have the same energy.

You not worth an argument because you are long lost.
Sometimes he seems to follow some people on IG with not many followers. I checked one one of them and is that Stepan in that avatar?
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I thought he was into guys: unamused:: unamused:: unamused:
He clearly is into guys. We all saw that video of him playing with his anus. Plus, he was all over Ipanema Beach (gay beach) when he was in Brazil. He's just not as vocal about it because he lives in Russia