Steph curry


Thanks for the recent photos of Steph. I think the ones showing his leg being iced and his bare foot is the closest we'll ever come to seeing him naked. :)



IMO steph looks like a zombie, like an extra off the walking dead. Oh, and probably the best shooter to play the game, but not more of a well-rounded player as lebron (as someone mentioned). Not for assists, blocks, rebounds, or steals. He actually has only heated up the last three years. And yes, I'm a bitter cavs fan lol.

#allin #believeland #ipromise #stephhasatinydick
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IMO steph looks like a zombie, like an extra off the walking dead. Oh, and probably the best shooter to play the game, but not more of a well-rounded player as lebron (as someone mentioned). Not for assists, blocks, rebounds, or steals. He actually has only heated up the last three years. And yes, I'm a bitter cavs fan lol.

#allin #believeland #ipromise #stephhasatinydick

You are right. But his 3 pointers are modern miracles.
IMO steph looks like a zombie, like an extra off the walking dead. Oh, and probably the best shooter to play the game, but not more of a well-rounded player as lebron (as someone mentioned). Not for assists, blocks, rebounds, or steals. He actually has only heated up the last three years. And yes, I'm a bitter cavs fan lol.

#allin #believeland #ipromise #stephhasatinydick

Is disagree on the zombie, he's very good looking IMO. Lebran may be more well rounded, stephe may just be a late bloomer but still imaging player