Stephen Lomas (stephengokulomas)

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Trust me it is
Definitely NO. Why you keep pushing your fantasy that it's him? I mean it's Ok for you to imagine it's Stephen, but to insist that it's him?!: unamused: geeez... Even my delulu brain cannot. :joy:
I might be late, but the fact that the people in his group on squid game referred to him as quadzilla is everything.

When referring to people’s actions on the show he said “People do a whole lot more for a whole less”. I was like he’s talking about himself doing OF.
No he doesn’t. He talks about his ass all the time and embraces the attention he gets from men and women because of it. Stephen is comfortable in his sexuality. Maybe he just doesn’t like ass play. I don’t and I’m not straight
I’m gay and hate having my ass touched. I’m a huge fan of ass though
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