Steven Christensen [instagram Model]

This guy totally throws me. The second I heard him speak on a video, I say "gay". No doubt in my mind...but a girlfriend and such unimpressive content? I'm really thrown.
Right? Divorced with 2 beautiful kids...fights with ex wife, I think she's disgusted. Was periscope friends with him, the nudity is new this year. Once paid him like 70 bucks to send me something he stiffed me. Live and learn :emoji_shrug:
Right? Divorced with 2 beautiful kids...fights with ex wife, I think she's disgusted. Was periscope friends with him, the nudity is new this year. Once paid him like 70 bucks to send me something he stiffed me. Live and learn :emoji_shrug:
My suspicion in that case...he has a price. Whether it's an OF bespoke, a studio coming to him, or escorting...I suspect he has a price.
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Right? Divorced with 2 beautiful kids...fights with ex wife, I think she's disgusted. Was periscope friends with him, the nudity is new this year. Once paid him like 70 bucks to send me something he stiffed me. Live and learn :emoji_shrug:
Is "he stiffed me" a play on words because his username on tiktok? Or did he really rip you off? Because I just had a guy from tiktok rip me off for $200. And I notice similarities between these two dudes. Both are super attractive, but have a bit of an unintelligent vibe. Which leads to them not being responsible and feeling obligated to follow through with their transactions. Kinda the same vibe from Brandon from Sean Cody years ago.
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Is "he stiffed me" a play on words because his username on tiktok? Or did he really rip you off? Because I just had a guy from tiktok rip me off for $200. And I notice similarities between these two dudes. Both are super attractive, but have a bit of an unintelligent vibe. Which leads to them not being responsible and feeling obligated to follow through with their transactions. Kinda the same vibe from Brandon from Sean Cody years ago.
Ah, Brandon...he started his own website, but abandoned it literally weeks ago. I've absolutely no idea what happened to him.
I realize to anyone that doesn't know him, he is just a sex object that you see online. I've known him for many years, I don't see a reason to make my friendship with him weird by asking about his sex life or his online OF profile. Anyway, I probably don't know that much more than what has already been talked about in this thread, ie his ex wife, kids, etc.