Try watching this. It’s a really interesting resource and covers the gay porn for straight blokes etc. Dr Joe Kurt is so sensible, and its informed by decades of clinical experience. And Cam Fraser (the Aussie who talks too much) has a heap of resources on what men do and the range of experiences. Lots of interesting stuff on what is Bi, gay or straight.
in short - many straight men like the “act” of sex with a man, but not the emotional connection or relationship that goes with it. It’s more like a fetish. Some men are emotionally bi, and some men are gay. But there are still plenty of men who enjoy sex acts with other men who are not gay.
There is way more fluidity to these things but society seems to take simplistic views of pigeon-holing us into boxes they decide for us based on what we do rather than who we are.
Fantasy is by nature, fantastic - it may not be what we actually do - but is a way to process other issues. The other issue may not in fact be as obvious as they seem. They may represent some other struggle in our lives, but take on the look if being a “gay“ fantasy. Check out this link.
Male Sexual Fluidity