Straight friends admitting their curiosity after you confessed yours


Experimental Member
Nov 21, 2023
Montreal, Quebec, CA
80% Straight, 20% Gay
1. Has anyone found out about straight friends being curious/bi/heteroflexible after you confessing your bisexuality to them?

2. If so, how many have came out and confess their curiosity ?
3. If so, How many have suddenly showed interest to experiment and how did that go ?

For context: In my group of friends, everyone is straight but a few of them gives me DL curious/bi vibe (1 in particular and he's my closest friend). I am bi (on the DL) and for some reason, I keep seeing some hints and signals here and there through our interactions. I've kept this part of me private (only my girlfriend knows and she supports me). Although I'm not affraid of coming out to broader audience, I haven't felt the need of risking it. My girlfriend thinks that if I do confess, I might realize that I am not the only Bi guy in my close circle (she also has her suspicions). Having a best friend that is also Bi would be incredible as I would be able to relate with someone I already share a lot with and possibly find a safe partner to experiment (which my gf is ok with).
1. Has anyone found out about straight friends being curious/bi/heteroflexible after you confessing your bisexuality to them?

2. If so, how many have came out and confess their curiosity ?
3. If so, How many have suddenly showed interest to experiment and how did that go ?

For context: In my group of friends, everyone is straight but a few of them gives me DL curious/bi vibe (1 in particular and he's my closest friend). I am bi (on the DL) and for some reason, I keep seeing some hints and signals here and there through our interactions. I've kept this part of me private (only my girlfriend knows and she supports me). Although I'm not affraid of coming out to broader audience, I haven't felt the need of risking it. My girlfriend thinks that if I do confess, I might realize that I am not the only Bi guy in my close circle (she also has her suspicions). Having a best friend that is also Bi would be incredible as I would be able to relate with someone I already share a lot with and possibly find a safe partner to experiment (which my gf is ok with).

I can confirm that alot of guys are also on the DL, experimenting and exploring with other guys, they would still identify as straight or eventually identify as bi, or just do this on the DL forever from what I know...

It is really upto you and your timing when it feels right if its something you want to share or talk about. I have discussed with friends, and some of them definitely expressed some curiousity and even shared if they were not married, they would probably have experimented with guys too...
None of us was straight and we had lots of sexual tension between us, but nothing happened and I never got to properly say it besides implying it, he did said he was bi but, by that time I didn't cared at all so I didn't said anything back, we don't talk anymore and that's fine I do sometimes regret not going further though, man had the most fuckable ass I have ever seen.

And it's a testament on how much I dislike him currently cause he's the kind of person who could give me boners with just one pic and not necessarily a spicy one.
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I can confirm that alot of guys are also on the DL, experimenting and exploring with other guys, they would still identify as straight or eventually identify as bi, or just do this on the DL forever from what I know...

It is really upto you and your timing when it feels right if its something you want to share or talk about. I have discussed with friends, and some of them definitely expressed some curiousity and even shared if they were not married, they would probably have experimented with guys too...
The guys who sexually prefer women but still like to fool around with guys and/or have no romantic feelings for them naturally will id as str8 because they have too much to lose.
Wish bi guys (myself included) were more sincere regarding how they feel.
which explains OP's post. If no one opens up, those guys will remain on the DL and all have regrets later in life. I also relate to previous posts. Yet I'm still hesitant to open up to st8 friends
I don't think that most friends actually want to know. Each one of them will have decided on how they see your sexuality. If one admitted to another in private that there is a slight curiosity then that would not alter the way you were initially perceived, however to just announce '' Hey guys guess what! I'm bi ' How would straight guys manage to ever trust their own judgement at all?

This is why most bi people are invisible.
If your gf is up for it, maybe suggest tag teaming her to one of your friends you think might be bi. If he is open to the idea you are halfway there. Then maybe tell him your gf is into watching two guys together or have her suggest it once the three of you are playing together. lol
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Hey man, I went thru the same thing as u.
Im also bi on the DL, today I must say, not really a secret but I keep my private life to myself, however, about almost 2 years ago I wanted to explore and tell my closest friends about it even though I had not much experience in it.
Mind you I thought all my friends were straight lol and was very surprised after sharing about my bi side. I was shocked by some of them, made me realize I wasn’t crazy when I thought I saw signs, so if u see/feel it u ain’t crazy bro. There’s def something there.
About telling them about ur sexually is a very personal thing that only you can decide. I felt way better once I told them, it was important to me that they knew cause I wanted them to know me fully and I was tired of hiding thoughts and urges, sometimes u just wanna talk to the ppl u trust.
I was surprised by their reaction, they didn’t care, I made things way more difficult in my head which is totally natural, specially if u are surrounded by Str8 bros all the time.
In reality it shouldn’t bother anyone, especially cause ur sexually is something they don’t have access to, so no one should care really lol
Open to chat and share a couple experiences if u wanna know more, I’m glad ur gf support u man.
Good luck bro
I didn't tell anyone I was having sex with a man and after a year or so told several close friends. Initial reactions ranged from "just a phase" to total ghosting but 6 months later things were more normal. Within a year one of my mates had told me he had often considered sex with guys and asked what it was like, and another was upfront after we bumped into each other in the back room of the local video hire, where the owner had a selection available for people he knew.
Hey man, I went thru the same thing as u.
Im also bi on the DL, today I must say, not really a secret but I keep my private life to myself, however, about almost 2 years ago I wanted to explore and tell my closest friends about it even though I had not much experience in it.
Mind you I thought all my friends were straight lol and was very surprised after sharing about my bi side. I was shocked by some of them, made me realize I wasn’t crazy when I thought I saw signs, so if u see/feel it u ain’t crazy bro. There’s def something there.
About telling them about ur sexually is a very personal thing that only you can decide. I felt way better once I told them, it was important to me that they knew cause I wanted them to know me fully and I was tired of hiding thoughts and urges, sometimes u just wanna talk to the ppl u trust.
I was surprised by their reaction, they didn’t care, I made things way more difficult in my head which is totally natural, specially if u are surrounded by Str8 bros all the time.
In reality it shouldn’t bother anyone, especially cause ur sexually is something they don’t have access to, so no one should care really lol
Open to chat and share a couple experiences if u wanna know more, I’m glad ur gf support u man.
Good luck bro
How many of your friends turned out to be bi-curious?
I don't know how old you are or what the general culture is in Quebec. However, from my own experience generally anyone under the age of 35 in London is probably not going to care at all if you come out to them and nothing will change. Most of the time you are making it worse in your head than it is. Don't get me wrong, there'll always be the threatened/homophobic person that makes it feel awful somewhere.

I think what the real shame is that in this group of friends, there's not one that you consider a best friend or any that you genuinely trust enough. To be blunt, if things are going to change and they'll ostracise you then you're better off finding friends that accept you and you can be open/comfortable/yourself around.

Either way, I don't think the right answer is trying to trick one of them into doing things.
Out of a group of 7, I have my doubts about some but only 3 drunkenly confessed having thoughts in the past, all 3 in separate occasions and making me promise I wouldn’t tell the other ones lol
Lots of guys would speak up if they thought they could trust the other person to keep the discussion confidential. I also think that mostly straight guys are likely to want to play with other mostly straight guys. This way everyone gets to keep their 100% straight card.
Lots of guys would speak up if they thought they could trust the other person to keep the discussion confidential. I also think that mostly straight guys are likely to want to play with other mostly straight guys. This way everyone gets to keep their 100% straight card.
I agree, I only got to play with 1 one my Str8 bros but I could tell the other 2 also wanted to explore but it wasn’t the right time and place for it so I didn’t force it and we never spoke about it again
When I was growing up I had a regular bate bud. Seems it was very common where I grew up. My bud told lots of guys about my big mushroom headed cock. I guess knowing he had seen it they were okay with asking to see it as well. I showed my cock to many so called straight guys at their request.