Straight Guys Blurring Gay Lines

Like seriously imagine if gays acted towards straight sex the way straight people act towards two guys even showing the mildest affection for each other. All that fake and overdramatic disgust over something so miniscule just seems like a complete waste of time. ESPECIALLY when you go out of your way to do it
This thread was originally in the Straight Photo & Video forum, that's when the OP made a post with Gay content in it. That's when I a Straight Man who was looking through a Straight forum informed him that he had placed the content in the wrong forum, I asked the Moderators not to remove the thread nor content but to move it to the correct forum, which they did.
The OP then put a like to my post.
It was clear that the OP hade made an honest mistake & as far as I, the OP & the Moderators were concerned it was all done & dusted.
Everyone had treated everyone else with respect.
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