Straight guys doing not straight things

i am looking for a video that there are two man which is a white guy and a black guy both sitting in the sofa, and they both get drunk. the white guy ask or beg the straight black guy to suck him off. at first he is reluctant, but then he devote himself into it. it's very hot and seems real.

I remember that video. It was posted somewhere on this thread a couple months ago. I believe it was a link. And unless someone has the direct post you may have to painstakingly go through the pages to find it.
Because we LIKE IT!
And because we don't think it's "baiting" (not even a real thing), it's providing entertainment. Most of us are smart enough to realize what we are doing. When you buy a dinner, or a movie ticket, or a flight, or a BNB, you are hoping you get what you are expecting, nothing more or less. Why can't "the community" stop trying to define for me, what I like? Thanks and peace!
You're so pathetic for this lmaoo but i guess keep giving money to straight men for doing nothing!
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You're so pathetic for this lmaoo but i guess keep giving money to straight men for doing nothing!
I shall, thanks!
And you don't have to be rude. I buy coffee from straight-owned businesses, I allow straight doctors and dentists to keep my body going, and I learn from and teach and love straight people, just as much (no more or less) than gay or bi or trans people. My sexuality is my time to enjoy my own sexuality - no yours!
Lastly, why in the world are you in a thread called "Straight guys doing not straight things', complaining that the men are straight???? Me thinks I'm not the one that is pathetic. My last post on this topic. Cheers!
You're so pathetic for this lmaoo but i guess keep giving money to straight men for doing nothing!
Ok, then why did you click on this thread? Or is being a judgemental AH your reason for being on LPSG?