Straight guys doing not straight things

Is there a thread of straight guys kissing? Not like porn tho. For example I’ve seen a few videos of straight guys (mainly from the uk) kissing each other. Or even sucking each other. Most of them were snap chat videos, not porn videos. Is there any threads like that up here? Any response would be appreciated :)
When straight teens get drunk, shit gets weird

It's not just teens. I've been on enough Rugby tours to know, when straight men get drunk things get...interesting.
Straight men do not straight things, quite often.
There are 6 men (more or less straight/bi) and 1 girl. : VIDEO HERE
The blond guy is clearly bi.
All the guys noticed that one of their friend has a huge dick (the one with the tattoo around his biceps).
Of course the blond guy is more than happy to suck it (24.40)
That is one of the hottest vids I’ve seen