Straight guys doing not straight things

Did anyone manage to save the video from Twitter a few pages back - it was of a guy jerking off his friend sitting on a chair. It felt like they were doing it off a dare (they were laughing and the guy getting jerked off was mad hesitant). The video stopped before the friend reached his climax.

The Twitter account that posted it got suspended so the video disappeared. Iirc they were asian. Hopefully someone can reupload it.
I signed up for their Patreon. There is no complete nudity mostly just messing around in very homoerotic ways. I think Chase has shown part of his shaft before. Mostly good content if you’re into watching straight guys do homoerotic things without fill on nudity
They’re so cute and flirty. Wonder if their moving business profits from the homoerotic marketing.
They’re so cute and flirty. Wonder if their moving business profits from the homoerotic marketing.
Nah, the horny gays and girls that follow them are probably a fraction of the consumer base I'd imagine.