Straight guys serviced

I loved everything u wrote! Most vids in this genre is pure fake bullshit.The majority of vids posted here is bullshit. The majority of ppl on this,board with 90 percent str8 10 percent gay in their profile are full of shit. The art of seducing 100 percent str8 alphas is a skill. Bobby Garcia was the pioneer followed by Vinnie Russo of str8boysseduced, diksukka who lured blk thugs to his newark boiler room, the filipino guy with the gloryhole in florida, etc. But guys take your gay porn to another thread. If there is a camera set up and the supposed str8 guy is aware its fake.

I myself seduce ex cons n military guys. I could never film them with their permission. Anything done would have to be done secretly.
Sooo true what are your favorite straight seduction vids ?
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Nothing yet. Still waiting for a miracle to happen like the time ATXgloryhole did that redlight series. Heaven.
Yeah but that was half a decade ago. He just posted quickly of them then deactivated his account after that. Dont know if he still make vids like those or hid under a knew identity. I definitely would love some new content