Straight guys serviced

Oh wow
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Does anyone know where this video is from and who the users are?
This reminds me of my straight coworker who's really fit but just overall an asshat. Still wanna suck his dick lol. We never talk but I always compliment him in the office. He obviously love it maybe because he's thirsty for validation. When the time came I shoot my shot and ask him if I can suck his cock, it never went that far but he did kiss me on the cheeks, told me I'm the best gay guy he ever met, I wish there were alcohols involved, that would've make it better. I told this story just because this is what we look like at the time lol

PS: he's taller than me but I showed him that I really want him. After a while he got a girlfriend and nothing followed anymore. We're still a good buddy in the office.
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