Straight Men Assholes

I wonder if he'd testify under oath in court, that that asshole has never had an erect penis inside. I thought this was straight men assholes?
I wonder if you'd testify under oath in court that that asshole has had an erect penis inside. Did you entertain the thought and that it wasn't a straight asshole? How had you arrived at your belief that it wasn't a straight asshole? If you can't provide some evidence to support your suggestion that it isn't a straight asshole, then I wonder if this was just heresay or you thought you knew what you were talking about, but .... Does it really matter? No, it doesn't. Enjoy this site.
I wonder if you'd testify under oath in court that that asshole has had an erect penis inside. Did you entertain the thought and that it wasn't a straight asshole? How had you arrived at your belief that it wasn't a straight asshole? If you can't provide some evidence to support your suggestion that it isn't a straight asshole, then I wonder if this was just heresay or you thought you knew what you were talking about, but .... Does it really matter? No, it doesn't. Enjoy this site.