Straight or not?

hi guys,
If you were too have sex with a male to
female transexual,, do you think of yourself
as straight? I think straight guys do find
TGirls sexy and are attracted to us
Personally I prefer straight men- most are
married that just do not get attention anymore.

Not "straight". I do not find manly men attractive but I'm a pushover for a femboy or trans. I love women but I adore dicks too. I consider myself queer.
I don't think it matters. However, I'm going to get shit on for this but, my take on it is; biologically it's homosexual, but socially/mentally straight. I say mentally because I cannot think of the word. I consider it heterosexual because for example in my own experience, I don't suffer from dysphoria, I transitioned a long time ago from male to female. I'm me, I happen to be female, I happen to have a dick. That is not to say those who still feel incomplete and dysphoric aren't valid, because they absolutely are. We all are valid. I'm just saying I have reached a place of reasoning where the whole "is dis ghay or not" not only isn't an issue, it's straight because at the end of the day a transwoman is a woman. And, vise versa for the other cases.
Anyway, I wish people would just be free and happy to like what they like, and not have to be judged for it. ♥️

I once covered a symposium on transgender issues for a town paper.
Sexual attraction as identity came up.... for the partners. I spoke with one woman, partnered through transition, with a trans man. She spoke eloquently about how she had a crisis of identity since the pair had been, as she called it, “political lesbians.” For her, being with a man, obscured that. Especially as they met new people who didn’t know her partner’s journey.
And by her tone, it was a deep crisis of identity.
For the women who were (and stayed) with transwomen, it was the “opposite lane” but with the introduction into the umbrella. They were thrust into a social identity as lesbians.

my kiddo is grappling with identity and possible transition.
I asked about the girlfriend, mainly in a will she support this way. my kid said clearly, I can’t see my attraction changing. I don’t like dudes now. I’ll be a lesbian.
There was a tiny bit of touching on how hormones might interplay with that. Joking about going boy crazy and such.
I’ve never understood how all of this works. I’ve always viewed trans women as just women. I’ve never really been with a trans women but I’ve also never sought one out because I don’t really distinguish them from women. A pretty girl is a pretty girl. I don’t care what’s in between your legs if I find you attractive I wana be on top of you lol

Sorry for my baron profile I quite this site a while ago. Thought I’d give this my 2 cents though.