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- Aug 8, 2021
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- Male
Adam is delighted as the full time whistle goes leaving the final score at Wales 1 Sweden 3. He has got his revenge over Josh for the last couple of defeats and has also won the first game of strip FIFA on a brand new FIFA game.
"Well that was a bust, I had two matches and lost both" A naked Josh says bluntly.
"Yeah not your best FIFA performance if I'm honest," Adam says smartly trying hard not to look and sound smug.
"I'm defo practicing before our next game," Josh replies looking down at his own shaved body upset at having once again lost a strip FIFA game so badly that he has been left fully naked.
"Also you will never say double or quits ever again," Adam grins as finally something has gone right for him after a long losing spell.
"Fuck yeah I won’t," Josh replies before looking up, "Please tell me that was all a bluff and you are not really gonna do it."
Adam almost enjoys shaking his head watching Josh's hopeful expression drop.
"Oh come on man you can't do that to me," Josh wails in protest.
"Yes I can cause you lost Josh, twice," Adam points out and Josh just sighs.
"Fine let’s do it then," Josh grunts trying not to show how scared he is.
Losing his clothes during the game was bad enough but now Josh is going to become a nude model. His whole body is covered in goosebumps just terrified at the thought of Emma finding out or his mum seeing them or the rest of the team mates plastering the pics up on the dressing room wall. Adam picks his camera up off the desk and first thing he does is go into the camera's memory. He is looking for his naked snaps but he cannot find them and that is starting to worry the blonde.
"Hey where are my pics dude?" Adam asks while tapping all the available buttons on the small digital camera.
Josh hangs his head and mumbles, "They are not there Adam."
"Did you copy them onto your computer? What did you do with my pictures Josh?" Adam asks his voice rising in anger
"I deleted them," Josh says softly.
"I don't believe you," The blonde barks angrily now feeling the same kind of helpless rage that Josh has been experiencing all day.
"Dude I deleted them right after I won the camera," Josh pleads, "I had a look to see if you really did it then I wiped them off the camera’s memory."
"Why would you do that?" Adam asks.
"Why would I keep pictures of you naked?" Josh counters, "Just think about it dude I would never be able to explain it if someone found a camera full of your naked pics in my bedroom."
"Well I thought you were," Adam says exasperated, "I've been worrying all week thinking someone like Emma would find the pics."
"I know and I'm sorry I didn't tell you," Josh says sadly.
Adam just lets out a long sigh wondering what to do, by accident Josh has guilt tripped him into thinking about picking a new dare. The blonde knows he needs Josh's naked pictures for Simon but taking the pictures almost feels cruel now knowing that Josh never deliberately kept his naked selfie's. Adam looks at Josh for a second as his completely naked best friend stares at the carpet.
"I should have said something to you I know," The skinny teen says, "It was cruel to tease you and make you sweat it out all week."
"You know I don't think I've ever had a naked man say sorry to me before," Adam teases trying to lighten the mood.
"Adam please this isn’t a joke," Josh whines but Adam just keeps grinning.
A thought has only just gone through the blonde's head, seeing as his mate never really endangered him with his naked pics Adam knows it isn't right to show Josh’s pics off to someone who will try to expose him. The pictures saved on the camera are still going to go to Simon as Adam wants to fulfil his dare to the big defender but he still wants Josh to see his naked pictures sent to someone and now he has the perfect person in mind.
"Come on then man, stand up and let’s get this over with," Adam says raising the camera.
Josh blushes hard again, every second he is sat naked in front of Adam feels like a lifetime. He felt confident the last time he sat nude in front of Adam but that dangerous camera is the thing making Josh feel so uncomfortable. The teen slowly stands up with his arms hanging limply by his side as he just doesn't know where to put them. Adam allows himself a small smirk before lifting the camera up getting ready to complete his best friend’s humiliation.
"Dude my face better not be in these," Josh warns.
Adam rolls his eyes, "Of course not Josh you know I wouldn't do that."
Josh's face momentarily betrays his inner worry for a second before he relaxes. He tries not to look directly at the camera as he hears the click of the shutter. Josh's whole body shivers as the fact he is actually having nude pictures taken starts to sink in. Adam doesn't lower the camera from his face snapping a dozen pics of Josh's naked body ignoring his friend’s obvious discomfort.
"Turn round man," Adam says wanting to make sure he has all of Josh's body on film.
"Oh come on what do you want a picture of my ass for?" Josh asks wondering why Adam has to keep making this more embarrassing for him.
"To remind you not to lose at strip FIFA," Adam says with a grin.
Josh groans but he lost the game in fact he lost both games so he doesn't have a choice. The tall winger slowly turns around facing away from Adam and his camera. The blush on Josh's face only darkens knowing that his best friend is taking pictures of his bare ass.
"Ok you can turn back round now man," Adam says having filled the camera's memory card up with pictures of Josh's naked ass.
"Is it over now?" Josh nervously asks.
Adam shakes his head and Josh lets out another whimper as he doesn't know how much longer Adam is going to torture him by keeping him naked. Adam takes a few more pictures of his naked best friend before finally lowering the camera.
"Well that's part one done with," Adam says happily as he sits back down.
"Oh God," Josh moans, "Why are you enjoying this so much?"
"Because it is fun embarrassing you," Adam replies honestly, "Anyway I know just who I am gonna send your pics too."
Josh's blush somehow grows even darker as he stands at the mercy of his best friend. The blonde swings his chair around and pulls out his laptop and for a few seconds Josh stays standing like a well-trained nude model before he notices that Adam is ignoring him. Josh quickly sits back down on Adam's bed pulling the covers over his exposed manhood.
Loading up his laptop Adam pulls open one of his desk drawers clearly looking for something. A few seconds later Adam pulls out a short black USB connecting wire and attaches one end to his laptop and the other to his camera.
"Please Adam promise me this won't be super embarrassing," Josh pleads.
"Of course not," Adam replies nonchalantly still with his eyes locked on his computer screen.
Josh doesn't like the reply but he can't think of any other way to convince Adam to go easy on him. He knows not doing this task means Adam will show his naked pictures to Karen and that thought scares Josh even more than the thought of Emma or his Mum seeing his naked snaps. He sits still on Adam's bed waiting as the blonde continues to work away on his laptop.
Josh sits for what feels like hours on Adam's bed waiting for the next part of his forfeit. Even though Josh is naked he is not getting the same enjoyable buzz he got last time he was nude in front of someone. Those naked pictures have taken all the fun out of being nude and Josh is now deeply regretting how harsh his last two forfeits were for Adam. Finally Adam spins round on his chair to look directly at his blushing and embarrassed best friend.
"Right I need your contact list," Adam says not bothering to hide his grin.
"Please," Josh whispers softly, "This is too much."
"Contact list or I email all these pics off to that little perv Jason," Adam threatens.
"Ok, Ok, Ok," Josh stammers reaching down towards his discarded jeans.
He pulls out his phone and hands it to Adam who is grin is wide and menacing.
"Don't worry," The blonde says, "I'm only looking for one email address.
Josh nervously starts to think about his contact list wondering who Adam will pick. The skinny teen must have over 30 contacts on his phone and Adam could easily send his pics to anyone. Scrolling through Josh's phone Adam hopes the name he was thinking of is on Josh's contact list. Adam almost punches the air with delight when he not only finds the name but finds an email address attached. Moving back to his computer Adam quickly sets up a disposable email account and starts to type up the contacts email.
"Who are you sending them too?" Josh asks with a lump in his throat.
Every tap of the keyboard makes Josh nervous as his paranoid mind plays tricks on him. Part of him wants to know and yet another part of him never wants to find out who is gonna see his naked pictures. Adam stops typing and attaches half a dozen of Josh's naked snaps to the email. He turns around and looks at Josh who is shaking with nerves and Adam finally decides to stop teasing Josh and tell all.
"Come and look man," The blonde offers sliding away from his laptop.
Josh slowly gets up and moves towards the laptop looking for the name on the email. Adam is smiling as in his opinion this is a stroke of pure genius from him. Josh reads the email address and instantly all the air seems to expel out of his lungs. He gasps for air and looks over at his best friend who is wearing the widest and smuggest grin imaginable.
"No," Josh gasps looking back at the screen just to double check.
"Yes," Adam replies still grinning with delight at his own brilliance.
"No fucking way," Josh repeats, "You can't."
"You lost," Adam counters.
"But why her?" Josh asks looking at Josh wondering why his own friend would be so cruel.
"Because I figured she would really like to see you naked," Adam answers enjoying Josh’s shocked reaction.
Josh lets out a strangled whimper from his throat as he stares at the email of his naked pictures unable to blink. He can't believe Adam would do that to him, posting his nude pics to his friend Lindsey. Adam can't wipe the smile off his face as he looks at the shocked expression on Josh's face.
“Dude,” Josh says slowly still in a state of shock, “You can’t.”
“I already have man,” Adam replies still unable to stop smiling, “The email is already sent, Lindsey has your naked pictures.”
“Oh God,” Josh moans holding his head in his hands trying to process what has just happened.
“I dunno why you are acting like this,” Adam says, “Lindsey fancies you, she will love getting pics of you nude.”
Josh just groans into his palms as Adam really doesn’t get it, he and Lindsey have been really close friends for years and this will no doubt change their friendship forever. Josh is already scared that his phone will ring and an angry Lindsey will be on him for emailing her porn while she is at college. The naked teen can already hear Lindsey yelling at him for sending nude pics of himself to her while he still has a girlfriend. Adam doesn’t notice his friend’s inner torment as he spins around on his chair and picks up his PS4 controller.
“Fancy another game?” He asks the distraught Josh.
“You ruined my life,” Josh moans into his hands but Adam just lets out a snort of laughter.
“Oh man you are so blind trust me this wasn’t a punishment, you will end up thanking me for this,” The blonde replies as he quits out of the match and goes into the main FIFA 16 menu.
Josh is put out by how sure Adam sounds as he slowly lifts his head out of his hands. Adam has moved into the Ultimate Team menu and now turns to look at his naked best friend.
“So wanna do one of this new draft things,” The blonde asks and grateful for the distraction Josh nods his head.
“Yeah sure,” Josh says finally turning away from Adam’s computer.
“Oh and you can get dressed again,” Adam smirks watching a fresh blush rise across Josh’s cheeks.
The blonde has successfully humiliated his best friend and can now complete his dare to Simon too. Adam’s camera is still full of nude pics of Josh that he has completely forgotten about and that thought keeps Adam smiling. Josh slowly redresses still thinking about the fallout he might get from one of his best friends as soon as she checks her email. He doesn’t believe Adam for a second, he has known Lindsey for years and she never once showed any interest in him as a guy. Thanks to Adam now she will have seen him naked and Josh now understands that losing at strip FIFA is no longer just losing a simple game because the forfeits are starting to get more serious.
"Well that was a bust, I had two matches and lost both" A naked Josh says bluntly.
"Yeah not your best FIFA performance if I'm honest," Adam says smartly trying hard not to look and sound smug.
"I'm defo practicing before our next game," Josh replies looking down at his own shaved body upset at having once again lost a strip FIFA game so badly that he has been left fully naked.
"Also you will never say double or quits ever again," Adam grins as finally something has gone right for him after a long losing spell.
"Fuck yeah I won’t," Josh replies before looking up, "Please tell me that was all a bluff and you are not really gonna do it."
Adam almost enjoys shaking his head watching Josh's hopeful expression drop.
"Oh come on man you can't do that to me," Josh wails in protest.
"Yes I can cause you lost Josh, twice," Adam points out and Josh just sighs.
"Fine let’s do it then," Josh grunts trying not to show how scared he is.
Losing his clothes during the game was bad enough but now Josh is going to become a nude model. His whole body is covered in goosebumps just terrified at the thought of Emma finding out or his mum seeing them or the rest of the team mates plastering the pics up on the dressing room wall. Adam picks his camera up off the desk and first thing he does is go into the camera's memory. He is looking for his naked snaps but he cannot find them and that is starting to worry the blonde.
"Hey where are my pics dude?" Adam asks while tapping all the available buttons on the small digital camera.
Josh hangs his head and mumbles, "They are not there Adam."
"Did you copy them onto your computer? What did you do with my pictures Josh?" Adam asks his voice rising in anger
"I deleted them," Josh says softly.
"I don't believe you," The blonde barks angrily now feeling the same kind of helpless rage that Josh has been experiencing all day.
"Dude I deleted them right after I won the camera," Josh pleads, "I had a look to see if you really did it then I wiped them off the camera’s memory."
"Why would you do that?" Adam asks.
"Why would I keep pictures of you naked?" Josh counters, "Just think about it dude I would never be able to explain it if someone found a camera full of your naked pics in my bedroom."
"Well I thought you were," Adam says exasperated, "I've been worrying all week thinking someone like Emma would find the pics."
"I know and I'm sorry I didn't tell you," Josh says sadly.
Adam just lets out a long sigh wondering what to do, by accident Josh has guilt tripped him into thinking about picking a new dare. The blonde knows he needs Josh's naked pictures for Simon but taking the pictures almost feels cruel now knowing that Josh never deliberately kept his naked selfie's. Adam looks at Josh for a second as his completely naked best friend stares at the carpet.
"I should have said something to you I know," The skinny teen says, "It was cruel to tease you and make you sweat it out all week."
"You know I don't think I've ever had a naked man say sorry to me before," Adam teases trying to lighten the mood.
"Adam please this isn’t a joke," Josh whines but Adam just keeps grinning.
A thought has only just gone through the blonde's head, seeing as his mate never really endangered him with his naked pics Adam knows it isn't right to show Josh’s pics off to someone who will try to expose him. The pictures saved on the camera are still going to go to Simon as Adam wants to fulfil his dare to the big defender but he still wants Josh to see his naked pictures sent to someone and now he has the perfect person in mind.
"Come on then man, stand up and let’s get this over with," Adam says raising the camera.
Josh blushes hard again, every second he is sat naked in front of Adam feels like a lifetime. He felt confident the last time he sat nude in front of Adam but that dangerous camera is the thing making Josh feel so uncomfortable. The teen slowly stands up with his arms hanging limply by his side as he just doesn't know where to put them. Adam allows himself a small smirk before lifting the camera up getting ready to complete his best friend’s humiliation.
"Dude my face better not be in these," Josh warns.
Adam rolls his eyes, "Of course not Josh you know I wouldn't do that."
Josh's face momentarily betrays his inner worry for a second before he relaxes. He tries not to look directly at the camera as he hears the click of the shutter. Josh's whole body shivers as the fact he is actually having nude pictures taken starts to sink in. Adam doesn't lower the camera from his face snapping a dozen pics of Josh's naked body ignoring his friend’s obvious discomfort.
"Turn round man," Adam says wanting to make sure he has all of Josh's body on film.
"Oh come on what do you want a picture of my ass for?" Josh asks wondering why Adam has to keep making this more embarrassing for him.
"To remind you not to lose at strip FIFA," Adam says with a grin.
Josh groans but he lost the game in fact he lost both games so he doesn't have a choice. The tall winger slowly turns around facing away from Adam and his camera. The blush on Josh's face only darkens knowing that his best friend is taking pictures of his bare ass.
"Ok you can turn back round now man," Adam says having filled the camera's memory card up with pictures of Josh's naked ass.
"Is it over now?" Josh nervously asks.
Adam shakes his head and Josh lets out another whimper as he doesn't know how much longer Adam is going to torture him by keeping him naked. Adam takes a few more pictures of his naked best friend before finally lowering the camera.
"Well that's part one done with," Adam says happily as he sits back down.
"Oh God," Josh moans, "Why are you enjoying this so much?"
"Because it is fun embarrassing you," Adam replies honestly, "Anyway I know just who I am gonna send your pics too."
Josh's blush somehow grows even darker as he stands at the mercy of his best friend. The blonde swings his chair around and pulls out his laptop and for a few seconds Josh stays standing like a well-trained nude model before he notices that Adam is ignoring him. Josh quickly sits back down on Adam's bed pulling the covers over his exposed manhood.
Loading up his laptop Adam pulls open one of his desk drawers clearly looking for something. A few seconds later Adam pulls out a short black USB connecting wire and attaches one end to his laptop and the other to his camera.
"Please Adam promise me this won't be super embarrassing," Josh pleads.
"Of course not," Adam replies nonchalantly still with his eyes locked on his computer screen.
Josh doesn't like the reply but he can't think of any other way to convince Adam to go easy on him. He knows not doing this task means Adam will show his naked pictures to Karen and that thought scares Josh even more than the thought of Emma or his Mum seeing his naked snaps. He sits still on Adam's bed waiting as the blonde continues to work away on his laptop.
Josh sits for what feels like hours on Adam's bed waiting for the next part of his forfeit. Even though Josh is naked he is not getting the same enjoyable buzz he got last time he was nude in front of someone. Those naked pictures have taken all the fun out of being nude and Josh is now deeply regretting how harsh his last two forfeits were for Adam. Finally Adam spins round on his chair to look directly at his blushing and embarrassed best friend.
"Right I need your contact list," Adam says not bothering to hide his grin.
"Please," Josh whispers softly, "This is too much."
"Contact list or I email all these pics off to that little perv Jason," Adam threatens.
"Ok, Ok, Ok," Josh stammers reaching down towards his discarded jeans.
He pulls out his phone and hands it to Adam who is grin is wide and menacing.
"Don't worry," The blonde says, "I'm only looking for one email address.
Josh nervously starts to think about his contact list wondering who Adam will pick. The skinny teen must have over 30 contacts on his phone and Adam could easily send his pics to anyone. Scrolling through Josh's phone Adam hopes the name he was thinking of is on Josh's contact list. Adam almost punches the air with delight when he not only finds the name but finds an email address attached. Moving back to his computer Adam quickly sets up a disposable email account and starts to type up the contacts email.
"Who are you sending them too?" Josh asks with a lump in his throat.
Every tap of the keyboard makes Josh nervous as his paranoid mind plays tricks on him. Part of him wants to know and yet another part of him never wants to find out who is gonna see his naked pictures. Adam stops typing and attaches half a dozen of Josh's naked snaps to the email. He turns around and looks at Josh who is shaking with nerves and Adam finally decides to stop teasing Josh and tell all.
"Come and look man," The blonde offers sliding away from his laptop.
Josh slowly gets up and moves towards the laptop looking for the name on the email. Adam is smiling as in his opinion this is a stroke of pure genius from him. Josh reads the email address and instantly all the air seems to expel out of his lungs. He gasps for air and looks over at his best friend who is wearing the widest and smuggest grin imaginable.
"No," Josh gasps looking back at the screen just to double check.
"Yes," Adam replies still grinning with delight at his own brilliance.
"No fucking way," Josh repeats, "You can't."
"You lost," Adam counters.
"But why her?" Josh asks looking at Josh wondering why his own friend would be so cruel.
"Because I figured she would really like to see you naked," Adam answers enjoying Josh’s shocked reaction.
Josh lets out a strangled whimper from his throat as he stares at the email of his naked pictures unable to blink. He can't believe Adam would do that to him, posting his nude pics to his friend Lindsey. Adam can't wipe the smile off his face as he looks at the shocked expression on Josh's face.
“Dude,” Josh says slowly still in a state of shock, “You can’t.”
“I already have man,” Adam replies still unable to stop smiling, “The email is already sent, Lindsey has your naked pictures.”
“Oh God,” Josh moans holding his head in his hands trying to process what has just happened.
“I dunno why you are acting like this,” Adam says, “Lindsey fancies you, she will love getting pics of you nude.”
Josh just groans into his palms as Adam really doesn’t get it, he and Lindsey have been really close friends for years and this will no doubt change their friendship forever. Josh is already scared that his phone will ring and an angry Lindsey will be on him for emailing her porn while she is at college. The naked teen can already hear Lindsey yelling at him for sending nude pics of himself to her while he still has a girlfriend. Adam doesn’t notice his friend’s inner torment as he spins around on his chair and picks up his PS4 controller.
“Fancy another game?” He asks the distraught Josh.
“You ruined my life,” Josh moans into his hands but Adam just lets out a snort of laughter.
“Oh man you are so blind trust me this wasn’t a punishment, you will end up thanking me for this,” The blonde replies as he quits out of the match and goes into the main FIFA 16 menu.
Josh is put out by how sure Adam sounds as he slowly lifts his head out of his hands. Adam has moved into the Ultimate Team menu and now turns to look at his naked best friend.
“So wanna do one of this new draft things,” The blonde asks and grateful for the distraction Josh nods his head.
“Yeah sure,” Josh says finally turning away from Adam’s computer.
“Oh and you can get dressed again,” Adam smirks watching a fresh blush rise across Josh’s cheeks.
The blonde has successfully humiliated his best friend and can now complete his dare to Simon too. Adam’s camera is still full of nude pics of Josh that he has completely forgotten about and that thought keeps Adam smiling. Josh slowly redresses still thinking about the fallout he might get from one of his best friends as soon as she checks her email. He doesn’t believe Adam for a second, he has known Lindsey for years and she never once showed any interest in him as a guy. Thanks to Adam now she will have seen him naked and Josh now understands that losing at strip FIFA is no longer just losing a simple game because the forfeits are starting to get more serious.