stroking while high

I cum really hard when I'm high. Really hard. The pumping sensation feels extra intense

Yeah I had a wild threesome last night after eating edibles and holy shit. I was fucking shaking and blacking out as I yelled repeatedly destroying her tight pussy with my unusually massive cock. I had to check on it when I finally collapsed sweating my ass off because it felt like it literally blew off inside her
The higher I get, the bi-er I get. I jerk off for longer, and get lost in erotic sensation.

Generally I turn into a raging fuck-animal. Sex has been so good since cannabis was legalized in IL.
I am the same. I get high and all I can think about and it makes me so hard and horny is another mans cock.... I have made up some best of videos for those times and I watch them as I enjoy myself.... So good.
Wanking while high is great and all, but good sex while high is on another level. With the right partner it is much easier to realize the spiritual realm of our dualistic world!

Yeah I had a threesome while high Friday Night and I was seeing spots inside her and literally couldn't stop cumming
Had a screaming threesome Friday night while stoned. Quite possibly the best sex I've ever had. Holy shit the orgasms were fucking massive. I almost died getting my cock sucked off and then I was shaking and passing out inside her pussy as I completely destroyed it. I thought I was never going to stop cumming
For the first time last night, I jacked off while high. I couldn’t get completely hard, but the feeling was super intense. While I usually leak precum, I was dripping like a faucet.
I had an insane wild threesome stoned last weekend and the orgasms were nearly unbearable and both my FWB and I were shaking and saw God having mindblowing screaming orgasms inside her and thought we were never going to stop cumming. My cock felt like it fell off as we completely fucking destroyed her tight pussy til we collapsed in a pile of sweat. Definitely doing that shit again
Yes! Sex and masturbation are fucking amazing with weed! I sucked a bud's cock a couple of nights ago while we passed a joint back and forth. Sucking his dick after taking a hit and knowing he was taking one too felt amazing - as did the incredible high. If his cum shot was an indicator, he fucking loved it too :')

I usually toke up when I'm edging my dick on nights alone too!
I get horny as fuck while high or drunk. My only issue is if I’m high on coke I become a sex fiend but can’t stay hard. It’s torture but can also be fun with the right person.
Drunk and weed horny I need to cum whether I’m wanking or fucking. I have been around mates and told them I’m whacking porn on to stroke hoping they would join. Sadly they did not.
Not all men are like this but we are not a minority also. You'll find better mates.
Just pulled out after blacking out having nearly unbearable sex stoned for the last 2 hours. Oh God! I thought I was never going to stop cumming
My ex gave a blow job that was way over 2 hours long before I came.
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My ex gave a blow job that was way over 2 hours long before I came.

Damn straight bro and then I just kept cumming last night. I was shaking and blacked out inside her and the orgasms were almost too much for my cock

When I've had blowjobs high I thought I was going to die several times
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