So, I know that we're fans on here, but anyone else get annoyed when you buy a full priced video then within a very short time they go on sale? A friend of mine on here just dealt with this. He bought the new guy Hunter's video then another part was release a couple of minutes after he bought it then he got that part. Then within a minute, he gets ANOTHER email saying that the latest three parts are "bundled" for less than what he paid for the total for the two videos. Not sure what the deal is, but my friend is pissed that he wasted almost 60 bucks for something he could've gotten for $50 with more stuff. Is this a regular thing that happens? I like Film911, so I was thinking of trying out StuckBucks, but from I've been reading and been told, this seems like a lot of money to spend on stuff that is stretched out over a long period of time.