Supplement increases testicle size (Ball size) significantly

Research to make lupin palatable for humans - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Just the first thing I noticed. Looks like something that could end up as popular as soy beans. Not sure if this is the same item but maybe.

Same stuff indeed. Lupinus angustifolius - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They're researching the narrow leaf stuff as they say. It would be nice to see where things lead in the next ten years, but I wouldn't wait that long to see if this stuff works on humans.
Was just looking into this and found that this species is also called Australian Sweet lupin, and according to Australian Sweet Lupin
Australian Sweet Lupin has been recognized by Food Standards Australia New Zealand as fit for human consumption, since 1987."

Might try this!
it this all worth the risk? thankfully God gave me a set of balls off the chart. but if he hadn't I'e be happy with what I had.
Ok, so let me try and summerize this up.

If you order this "Lupins" (Which is a form of bean, feed to most Rams to increase testicular size by 66%) it could quite posibily increase the size of your balls permanently over the course of 5 weeks?

Problem is, that if ill prepared, they could be poisonous....

Do i have this right so far? If that's true, then why would they sell them in what looks to be precooked Mason Jars?
I have done extensive research on this topic and yes it seems that the claims are true. I tried to get my hands on some but I could not get them here. Some species are toxic to humans and some are not.
I am going to try to grow my own as they are sold for winter nitrogen fixing in organic farms.
I cant wait to try these please let me know if anyone sources the edable type in UK or ireland
Huh, very interesting thread. You could totally make money selling this in pill/capsule form if it proves not to be poisoning. Enzyte...Meet your match.
what exactly is DHEA

Dehydroepiandrosterone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Physical performance
Some studies have shown that supplementation in ageing women (but not men) using high doses of DHEA led to induction of an anabolic growth factor, increased muscle strength and lean body mass, activated immune function, and enhanced quality of life.[13][14] However, a randomized placebo-controlled trial found that DHEA supplementation in younger men had no statistically significant effect on lean body mass, strength, or testosterone levels.[15]
[edit] Female reproductive health

Since 2000, DHEA supplementation has been used in reproductive medicine in combination with gonadotropins as a way to treat female infertility. [16]The hormone is believed to act on the chromosomal integrity of eggs, creating healthier embryos and increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy. [17] A study released in 2010 from Tel Aviv University showed that women who took DHEA supplements prior to an infertility treatment were three times more likely to conceive than those who did not. [18] Additionally, studies conducted by the Center for Human Reproduction in New York found that women with poor ovarian reserve who were supplemented with DHEA four to 12 weeks prior to an IVF cycle had a 22% reduction in number of chromosomally abnormal embryos and a 50-80% reduction in miscarriages. [19] [20]
[edit] Cardiovascular disease and risk of death

A 1986 study found that a higher level of endogenous DHEA, as determined by a single measurement, correlated with a lower risk of death or cardiovascular disease.[21] However, a more recent 2006 study found no correlation between DHEA levels and risk of cardiovascular disease or death in men.[22] A 2007 study found the DHEA restored oxidative balance in diabetic patients, reducing tissue levels of pentosidine—a biomarker for advanced glycation endproducts.[23]
[edit] Diabetes and carotid atherosclerosis

A 2005 study, measured serum DHEA in 206 men with type-2 diabetes, and found an inverse relationship between serum DHEA and carotid atherosclerosis in men. The authors say the study "supports the notion that DHEA, which is sold in increasing amount as a food supplement, is atheroprotective in humans, and that androgen replacement therapy should be considered for men with hypogonadism."[24]
[edit] Men over 65

A 2006 study supplemented DHEA to men of average 65 years of age, and found that the men experienced significant increases in testosterone and cGMP (Cyclic guanosine monophosphate), and significant decreases in low-density lipoprotein (LDL). The authors say that the "findings...suggest that chronic DHEA supplementation would exert antiatherogenic effects, particularly in elderly subjects who display low circulating levels of this hormone."[25][26]
As to big balls I have always been fascinated by guys with big balls, one guy I met really had balls each the size of a small fist!! I would love to have bigger balls and I don't believe mine are small. I have used DHEA as a supplement over the last two years. I take 100mg a day with 750mg of Testeris. I find both increase ejaculate volume and get the sense that my balls seem fuller. I have read a number of studies regarding DHEA and they have found no negative effects if the daily dose is below 120. Both of these supplements are available at the GNC store. I have also uses Yohimbe as a supplement but it should be in doses of about 5mg twice a day but eh GNC supplements are 9mg and they can cause hot flashes and some sense of agitation. I have found that the Yohimbe later in the day does increase labido and I find when taking it over several days I will start leaking pre-cum easily.
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