Survivor Island Of The Idols

A little off topic, but I watched previews of the latest Survivor to air this Wednesday. Is it just me, or are they running the use of former contestants in the ground? Every player on the new season has played before. Boston Rob has played FOUR TIMES. Plus he has been on Amazing Race twice. I like the idea of new blood on these type shows, especially if they’re good eye candy. Boston Rob Is eye Tofu I probably will skip this season.
A little off topic, but I watched previews of the latest Survivor to air this Wednesday. Is it just me, or are they running the use of former contestants in the ground? Every player on the new season has played before. Boston Rob has played FOUR TIMES. Plus he has been on Amazing Race twice. I like the idea of new blood on these type shows, especially if they’re good eye candy. Boston Rob Is eye Tofu I probably will skip this season.
Eye tofu!!!!! DEAD BWHAAHAAA :joy:
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I'm still gutted that Malcolm never won and thus isn't able to appear on a winner's season like this. He's probably my favorite player of all time and he really did deserve to win at some point.
A little off topic, but I watched previews of the latest Survivor to air this Wednesday. Is it just me, or are they running the use of former contestants in the ground? Every player on the new season has played before. Boston Rob has played FOUR TIMES. Plus he has been on Amazing Race twice. I like the idea of new blood on these type shows, especially if they’re good eye candy. Boston Rob Is eye Tofu I probably will skip this season.
Exactly what I was thinking ...
The last four winners have been decently attractive males but I think a losing finalists season could have truly been a sight for sore eyes.

Colby Donaldson*
Ozzy Lusth
Mick Trimming*
Chase Rice*
Albert Destrade
Woo Huang
Spencer Bledsoe
Ken McNickle*
Dean Kowalski
Gavin Whitson

* my personal faves

Chris Underwood should have taken his rightful place among the sexy finalist losers club instead of Gavin.
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Anyone get anything from the s40 premiere? Adam had a nice bulge the entire time, especially after getting wet in underwear. Great bulge from Wendell and Jeremy too. Ethan has a nice ass!

The Wendell bulge was on full display. Tyson is undercover packing too, I think.