Hamil #5. This is the 5th Hamil Swell80 video of the 5 videos he starred in.
Hamil #5 was titled " Straight Latino 20 YO Big Cock First Time Trying Pocket Pussy with a Guy".
The video is 17 minutes long. It has excellent video quality and lighting as it is filmed in a truck during daytime with lots of sunshine. The audio and sound is very good. The porn playing on the laptop is soft in volume and not overwhelmingly loud.
Hamil made 5 videos with Swell80 and this is his last at Number 5.
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Hamil lives on a Farm with his parents by the Pacific Ocean coastline of northwest Nicaragua near the town of Chinandega.
This is the second Hamil video filmed in a truck and filmed during daylight. Hamil and Swell80 hit it off well and Swell80 would end up parking his camper at Hamil's parents home. Swell80 stayed several months at Hamil's farm as the gorgeous uncrowded Pacific Ocean Nicaragua beachs were only a few kilometers away. Hamil and Swell80 would go to local parties and hang out and they became friends.
Hamil is a 20 year old Straight Nicaraguan Man and has never had Mansex until he met Swell80. Hamil is thin and has an athletic build typical for a Farmboy. Hamil is attractive and smiles much of the time and is very friendly. His skin is light brown color and he looks Arabian to me. There are many Arabians in Nicaragua living and working. Just an observation on my part.
Hamil has a big size cock with a full bush and some chin stubble. Hamil seems excited to be making a porn video for Swell80's "Gringa" girlfriend and getting a few bucks to do so.
The video begins with captioning from Swell80. Hamil had texted Swell80 and wanted to make another video for his "Gringa" girlfriend. Swell80 tells him that be great but she wants Hamil to use a pocket pussy for his next video. Hamil is not sure about that. Apparently pocket pussies are uncommon in Nicaragua and most men have never seen them or used them.
Hamil goes out into a field in the countryside with Swell80 to film the video in his truck. It is daylight and the lighting is very good.
The video begins with Hamil in the backseat of the truck getting ready to make the video. Hamil finds a sex toy on the floor of the truck and suggests he use that to practice. Hamil is wearing shorts and a white tank top as it is very hot outside and humid. Swell80 gets into the back seat of the truck with Hamil. He asks Hamil if he would like to make the video alone or with him there? Hamil responds "Alone I guess". Swell80 says he is going to stay to help Hamil get set up. He remains for the entire video in the backseat with Hamil. The viewer gets to see the pocket pussy close up. One end has Pussy Lips made to feel like a real Pussy when you use the toy on a hard cock. The other end has a hole so those men with ample sized tools can use the toy to jerk it vigourously up and down and cum through it. Swell80 tells Hamil that to work the pocket pussy well he needs to use a special lubricant.
Hamil drops his pants and shows his already hard cock at the 4:00 minute point of the video. Hamil slides over right up against Swell80. Swell80 applies the lube to the pocket pussy and the head of Hamil's hard dick. Hamil puts the toy on his cock. Swell80 asks Hamil if it feels good? Hamil says yes in a sexy voice.
Hamil starts off jerking himself but by the 5:00 Minute Point of the video Swell80 takes over to assist him. At the 7:00 minute point Hamil takes over again jerking himself and Swell80 applies lube as needed to his hard cock and toy.
At the 10:00 Minute point Hamil says that the toy is going dry. Swell80 applies more lube and then begins to just give Hamil a bare hand job. The handjob alternates between using the toy and using Swell80's bare hand.
Go to the 16:00 Minute Point to see Hamil's cumshot. Hamil is using the pocket pussy himself and Swell80 is playing with his large sized low hanging balls. Hamil shoots a tremendous cum load that covers the toy with his Nicaraguan cum.
Hamil declares that the pocket pussy felt "Amazing!" ( Asombroso ! ) on his cock. Hamil smiles and laughs as he has just made a convincing product endorsment video.
I liked Hamil #5. It shows how a Str8 20 year old Nicaraguan male who lives in a rural area can be very open minded about sex and what feels good. Hamil has no issues with Swell80 touching his hard dick and it happens frequently. Hamil is open to it and seems to like it. It helps that Hamil is a good looking guy and is very friendly and smiles often. Hamil is just fun!
There is a lot of sexual tension but Hamil deals with it well. So to my friends in the Ukraine and Russia who wanted Hamil #5 explained I hope this review helped. I honestly think that Hamil #5 is a top 50 Swell80 video and is most certainly worth watching!