Video Swell 80 xvideos

I get that no here is a saint - I'm certainly not one. But there's enough porn on the internet, made my people who do it knowingly and intentionally. He should not profit while ruining his victim's lives and reputations.

We should be standing up for our brothers in those videos, not getting off to them.
I believe that he tells them initially that he is recording. Some of the guys have sought him out to make more videos (per his intro's). I know there is a difference between making a video for his girlfriend and making one to post for the entire world to see, but the tells the guys (at least in Central America) he is recording their session and they even wave at the camera. I only say this to say that most of if not all of the guys are aware they are being filmed.
Did something happen to swell80?? This is the longest he hasn’t posted a video....
He says his hard drive got stolen and therefore has to wait until they are not on lockdown anymore to began shooting more content. I am surprised he doesn't have a cloud back up or something like it. However he did just release a new video.
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Help me find this video plsss!!! It will be much appreciated!!
I think that is the first guy to ever steal from him and it was caught on cam. I won't say more because.... Well just because I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet.
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