Swingers or Clingers

I have to say that i have clingers, there nice and close to my body... i would like low hangers but i suppose the grass is always greener on the other side... :p
I inherited the scrotal equivalent of my mother's tits. Large ones that used to be perky and resilient, but which have sagged with age. They used to hang high and tight, but it's got so that they've drooped enough for me to sit on them by accident sometimes. Youch.
Originally posted by headbang8@Apr 13 2005, 09:13 AM
I inherited the scrotal equivalent of my mother's tits. Large ones that used to be perky and resilient, but which have sagged with age. They used to hang high and tight, but it's got so that they've drooped enough for me to sit on them by accident sometimes. Youch.
[post=300222]Quoted post[/post]​

I had never thought of it in these terms before, but I think Headbang's description fits me as well.

One benefit of the jockstraps I have always worn is that they have kept the age-related dropping to a minimum. My testes are heavy and bulky enough to have made support 100% necessary for them, even if I didn't need it for my penis in any case. So I have ended up with a very large scrotum, but one which is packed tight and full rather than streched out hanging down from my groin.

'Clingers' doesn't quite describe it, but thinking about what it would be like if they were 'swingers' doesn't give me a good feeling.
Ok so back when i was 8 I had a surgery to fix my undecended testicles...so im definitely a hanger now. Yet the sack isnt so huge that they drool (descriptive term)...Also I cannot imagine testicles clinging to their own belly. Although ive definitiely had my testicles cling to someone else's belly ;)
Normally a swinger (4 inches low) but it depends on the weather and my mood. I noticed if I'm feeling nervous or shy they tend stay close but if I'm relaxed and feeling good then they hang low. I'm guessing it's the same for most guys.