I swear he is a scammer, acts all slutty and shit asking ppl to send him money but then doesn't even answer dms
Nah... he's still pretty young. I think you should direct your anger at the thirsty dudes who lavish him with money for nothing... sets a bad precedent! hahaha

Gotta teach him paychecks don't magically appear until you offer something in return
And I’m pretty sure he has a girlfriend too, she keeps commenting on his tiktok posts and he replies to her. He also follows her on both of his instagram account.
Thats fine, its not like were trying to go steady with him (although that would be nice). We are just trying to get more visual content from him, PG or otherwise. Zach Zeiler has had a girlfriend since his debut, and always released a steady amount of content for his fans. Zach is also marred to her now BTW and still releases content