Tales from the Locker Room (Erotic Story)


Superior Member
Mar 22, 2021
Atlanta (Georgia, United States)
Tentative Title of overall Series - Pain Is The New Pleasure
This story - Sauna Stories or Tales from the Locker Room

More content including more parts of this series are available on my


Rhyheim & Will 6.gif

It was all new to me. If I had known what I was walking into would I have turned around and not entered? Adding a workout routine seemed like a plan once the new gym opened up across the street from work. There would be no excuses about getting more defined.

Little did I know the world I was walking into.

It started with a tour which was cool — treadmills; rowing machines, the standard equipment. Lower levels was where the free weights were and open spaces for workouts. Locker rooms was also on the lower levels.

The first few visits were uneventful. The usual, workout, sweat, shower, leave. The gym did have a small sauna that I used from time to time but it was somewhat normal. I didn’t know any different until deciding to visit another location of this gym.

Decided to go to a different one which I found more spacious. There was more equipment to work with and more room to work. I found it great to switch up the routine of cardio, core workouts and lifting.

My focus had been on the workout that I didn’t realize it was now peak and there were more people than when I started but I was done with my workout. Sweat was dripping over me and I made my way over to the water fountain to fill up my water bottle to rehydrate as I made my way into the locker room.

Eyes glanced over me and I couldn’t imagine what this place would turn to being here now that it was busy. The plan was shower after an hour and a half workout and then leave.

I got undressed and headed to the shower. His eyes met mine as I got into my stall and I looked into his and then down to his chest and abs that glistened with sweat, dripping down to the towel wrapped around him.


I didn’t know what to expect joining a gym but once he appeared from doors it was over. I watched him go into the sauna as I started to close the shower curtain and couldn’t help but look to the sauna doors as the curtains moved back and forth with the air and heat in the shower.

“What are you doing?” I asked myself as I quickly got out of the shower and made my way into the sauna. I needed another look at him. His body. His dick?

I entered the sauna and could see it. Moving under the towel that was barely wrapped around him. It jumped and I felt my mouth watering, wanting to taste it.

"What are you talking about?" I thought to myself. It might have been too late. as he saw me looking at him and I couldn’t look away except to take in the view of his body, his abs, the sweat and his dick peaking through the towel.

We weren’t even alone in the sauna but I didn’t take the time to notice. I found a spot to sit down across from him and let the heat take me to a place of relaxation. I closed my eyes but occasionally opened them and glanced over a few more times to his eyes staring at me.

It was overwhelming.

It was hot.

He was calling for me.

And I wanted him.

I moved closer when space closer to him became available as people rotated in and out of the sauna.

It was hot but everything about the situation was hot. I stared into his eyes again only looking away as my eyes looked down to his chest and abs and dick. Now that I was closer, he caressed his chest, and wiped sweat away with his tower showing off his dick completely. It was erect. It was big and took in the view long enough before he closed the towel back around his waist.

What do I do now?

It was getting hotter. I wanted to touch him. I wanted to touch his dick. I wanted us to get a moment alone so he could have me and I could have him.

When we finally got a moment alone, His towel conveniently undone itself and I reached over to touch it. It was thick and heavy. Sweat rolling down his body added lubrication as I slowly moved my hand up and down the shaft.

This is hot.

I moved closer as his eyes stared into mine. I looked down to his lips and before I knew it his lips were touching mine. Making out only for a second before the doors to the sauna opened and we went back to our own space as if nothing had happened.

It was the staff this time, decided it was time to clean or to clear out the area knowing the activities that was taken place there. I didn’t know at the time but it became obvious that was the case. We exited the sauna and I went to shower. Couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened even questioning did that happened. I mean it obviously did but I couldn’t believe something like this could and was happening in the gym.

When I exited the shower, I saw him again, fully dressed, ready to leave and I was dripping wet, towel wrapped around me, not even close to being able to catch up with him as he left as I went to my locker to dry off and get dressed — annoyed at us being interrupted and us not finishing or going further.

I left the gym replaying the events as I went home, thinking about what I could’ve done or should’ve done. Maybe if I acted quicker we would have gone further. Maybe if the other people stopped coming in and out. I wanted more. What if I closed the sauna so everyone would think it was out of order but we would have it all to ourselves, uninterrupted, alone. What if he joined me in my shower stall and we closed the curtains. We would be alone, uninterrupted and no one would disturb us. He could have me and I could have him.

I didn’t even catch his name.

I rode the train home unsatisfied.

The next day, I couldn’t wait for work to end. Part of me couldn’t help but think that it was a one time situation. There was no way that what happened the day before would happen again. I questioned how did I stumble on such a place.

Work went by and afterwords I made it to the gym. A colleague was suppose to join but I didn’t mind getting canceled on because my focus was elsewhere. I attempted to do cardio and lift weights but my mind was too distracted to fully commit to working out. I looked around hoping my eyes would meet the unsuspecting stranger who I encountered and shared a moment with but I had no luck. I rushed through sets barely working up a sweat and made my way too the locker room.

It was nothing but a chance encounter. I convinced myself that whatever reality I had stepped in didn’t actually exist and I should focus on why I signed up for the gym in the first place. Those thoughts left just as quick as they came when my eyes met his again as I made my way to the shower.

His body glistening with sweat as he walked from the sauna and into the steam room. The steam room was different. I had yet to know the intricacies of it as it was out of order before but this day it was working and it was on. I showered quickly and found my way where he was. The room filled with steam, it was wet and it was hot. Bodies sat in different areas but no one was visible through all the steam.

I stood next to the door not knowing what to do but also unable to see inside but also unknowing the atmosphere of the room. The sauna experience was something but the steam room was something else entirely. I could already comprehend that there was a reason the steam room was listed as out of order when inside the men occupying the steam room seemed to all be on the same page of looking for something sexual.

My eyes only wanted one of them. Him. His caramel skin. His muscular definition. His abs. His curly hair. This was a man. He was definitely more muscular than me. Slightly taller than me and by the way his eyes looked me over, I could feel he wanted me and he was waiting for me.

I waited by the door as the steam turned on and filled the room. This heat was different. Attempting to adjust my eyes to the room, I leaned in to see what the interior was like compared to the sauna. It was larger and deeper and visibly making out who was who and where to sit seemed hard. I cracked the door open to let the steam out but also to get some cold air to alleviate the heat from standing in the steam for a few moments.

I couldn’t understand how anyone could stay inside there for too long. Opening the door prompted people to exit and that meant a seat had opened up but also he was still inside.

The door closed as the steam finally stopped filling the room and slowly felt my way inside feeling the wet steam would make it easy to slip but to find him and be closer.

As the steam somewhat cleared, I felt a hand grab me as I started to sit on the upper seats leading me closer to him directing me to the lower seating. I looked up finally being able to lock eyes with him and finally taking in the view of his body but more importantly his dick. His towel opened as he opened his legs to me sitting in between them. I didn’t hesitate to move closer as my lips wanted one thing.

The steam came back on filling the room. We would be hidden in the fog but if we weren’t I didn’t care. He was mine and I was his and anyone else didn’t matter. My lips came close to his dick and parted ways to let it enter. His hands caressed over me until he grabbed my head pushing it into him. My body accepted, letting the thickness make its way in and I moved up and down sucking it like it was all I knew how to do.

It was new for me. I had messed around before but not as much so finding myself in this reality felt different. His gaze unlocked something in me and the feeling I wanted more of. I paid no attention to the heat of the steam just the need to take him into my throat as I opened up to him. His moans turned me on more and I continued, licking and sucking and allowing him deep inside my mouth as if thats where he belonged. Sweat dripped down his abs and I enjoyed the view of his body, the intensity of what we were doing without a care of who watched or anything for that matter. I had forgot that I was at the gym and that I had came there to workout.

Who was I kidding? I came there for him. And I lost myself in him as his dick slid in and out of my mouth and down my throat. I sucked harder as I could feel he was close. He didn’t let up fucking my throat and I didn’t let up on sucking. I didn’t stop for a break. It felt too good. It tasted too good, and I wanted to taste all of him.

His moaning grew more intense and I could help but to pull him into me refusing to let go until he exploded down my throat. I came myself as I couldn’t take the intensity any longer and once he came, I continued wanting every drop. His dick erupted in my mouth and I sucked on. His seed filling my mouth and throat, it was sweet and tasted so good. It was the reward I deserved and for him, it was just a taste of all he could get from me.

Once I let his dick slide out of my mouth, my eyes followed the trail up to his chest, grabbing them as I bit my lips, satisfied that I made him give in, satisfied that I sucked him until he came. My body was shaking. I couldn’t believe the moments. He helped me up and we existed the steam room back into the reality of the effects being in the heat so long could take.

A quick shower to cool down and then it was back to reality for real. The thoughts that I had entered another dimension or realm that didn’t actually exist came into mind again. I still didn’t know his name. I still couldn’t believe myself or the events but thats what it was.

Leaving the shower, I found him again, already dressed and leaving. Too many steps ahead of me for me to catch him on my way out. Could we actually have a conversation, to actually say anything beyond the intense eye fucking that led to his dick down my throat or anything beyond the moments in this realm that existed apart from working out at the gym?

I wondered where it could go as I headed home.

See more on Patreon
Author's notes: The idea is this short story will be a stand alone in a series of different erotic stories. There won't be chapters unless this story takes off in a direction of its own. Breaking the entire story up but it's just heating up. What will happen next? Which title should I go with?
(Sauna Stories and Tales for The Locker Room to me sounds like a series while, this story includes multiple situations from the locker room, im still on the fence.)

More to come...

Tentative Title of overall Series - Pain Is The New Pleasure
This story - Sauna Stories or Tales from the Locker Room

More content including more parts of this series are available on my


View attachment 100746051

It was all new to me. If I had known what I was walking into would I have turned around and not entered? Adding a workout routine seemed like a plan once the new gym opened up across the street from work. There would be no excuses about getting more defined.

Little did I know the world I was walking into.

It started with a tour which was cool — treadmills; rowing machines, the standard equipment. Lower levels was where the free weights were and open spaces for workouts. Locker rooms was also on the lower levels.

The first few visits were uneventful. The usual, workout, sweat, shower, leave. The gym did have a small sauna that I used from time to time but it was somewhat normal. I didn’t know any different until deciding to visit another location of this gym.

Decided to go to a different one which I found more spacious. There was more equipment to work with and more room to work. I found it great to switch up the routine of cardio, core workouts and lifting.

My focus had been on the workout that I didn’t realize it was now peak and there were more people than when I started but I was done with my workout. Sweat was dripping over me and I made my way over to the water fountain to fill up my water bottle to rehydrate as I made my way into the locker room.

Eyes glanced over me and I couldn’t imagine what this place would turn to being here now that it was busy. The plan was shower after an hour and a half workout and then leave.

I got undressed and headed to the shower. His eyes met mine as I got into my stall and I looked into his and then down to his chest and abs that glistened with sweat, dripping down to the towel wrapped around him.


I didn’t know what to expect joining a gym but once he appeared from doors it was over. I watched him go into the sauna as I started to close the shower curtain and couldn’t help but look to the sauna doors as the curtains moved back and forth with the air and heat in the shower.

“What are you doing?” I asked myself as I quickly got out of the shower and made my way into the sauna. I needed another look at him. His body. His dick?

I entered the sauna and could see it. Moving under the towel that was barely wrapped around him. It jumped and I felt my mouth watering, wanting to taste it.

"What are you talking about?" I thought to myself. It might have been too late. as he saw me looking at him and I couldn’t look away except to take in the view of his body, his abs, the sweat and his dick peaking through the towel.

We weren’t even alone in the sauna but I didn’t take the time to notice. I found a spot to sit down across from him and let the heat take me to a place of relaxation. I closed my eyes but occasionally opened them and glanced over a few more times to his eyes staring at me.

It was overwhelming.

It was hot.

He was calling for me.

And I wanted him.

I moved closer when space closer to him became available as people rotated in and out of the sauna.

It was hot but everything about the situation was hot. I stared into his eyes again only looking away as my eyes looked down to his chest and abs and dick. Now that I was closer, he caressed his chest, and wiped sweat away with his tower showing off his dick completely. It was erect. It was big and took in the view long enough before he closed the towel back around his waist.

What do I do now?

It was getting hotter. I wanted to touch him. I wanted to touch his dick. I wanted us to get a moment alone so he could have me and I could have him.

When we finally got a moment alone, His towel conveniently undone itself and I reached over to touch it. It was thick and heavy. Sweat rolling down his body added lubrication as I slowly moved my hand up and down the shaft.

This is hot.

I moved closer as his eyes stared into mine. I looked down to his lips and before I knew it his lips were touching mine. Making out only for a second before the doors to the sauna opened and we went back to our own space as if nothing had happened.

It was the staff this time, decided it was time to clean or to clear out the area knowing the activities that was taken place there. I didn’t know at the time but it became obvious that was the case. We exited the sauna and I went to shower. Couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened even questioning did that happened. I mean it obviously did but I couldn’t believe something like this could and was happening in the gym.

When I exited the shower, I saw him again, fully dressed, ready to leave and I was dripping wet, towel wrapped around me, not even close to being able to catch up with him as he left as I went to my locker to dry off and get dressed — annoyed at us being interrupted and us not finishing or going further.

I left the gym replaying the events as I went home, thinking about what I could’ve done or should’ve done. Maybe if I acted quicker we would have gone further. Maybe if the other people stopped coming in and out. I wanted more. What if I closed the sauna so everyone would think it was out of order but we would have it all to ourselves, uninterrupted, alone. What if he joined me in my shower stall and we closed the curtains. We would be alone, uninterrupted and no one would disturb us. He could have me and I could have him.

I didn’t even catch his name.

I rode the train home unsatisfied.

The next day, I couldn’t wait for work to end. Part of me couldn’t help but think that it was a one time situation. There was no way that what happened the day before would happen again. I questioned how did I stumble on such a place.

Work went by and afterwords I made it to the gym. A colleague was suppose to join but I didn’t mind getting canceled on because my focus was elsewhere. I attempted to do cardio and lift weights but my mind was too distracted to fully commit to working out. I looked around hoping my eyes would meet the unsuspecting stranger who I encountered and shared a moment with but I had no luck. I rushed through sets barely working up a sweat and made my way too the locker room.

It was nothing but a chance encounter. I convinced myself that whatever reality I had stepped in didn’t actually exist and I should focus on why I signed up for the gym in the first place. Those thoughts left just as quick as they came when my eyes met his again as I made my way to the shower.

His body glistening with sweat as he walked from the sauna and into the steam room. The steam room was different. I had yet to know the intricacies of it as it was out of order before but this day it was working and it was on. I showered quickly and found my way where he was. The room filled with steam, it was wet and it was hot. Bodies sat in different areas but no one was visible through all the steam.

I stood next to the door not knowing what to do but also unable to see inside but also unknowing the atmosphere of the room. The sauna experience was something but the steam room was something else entirely. I could already comprehend that there was a reason the steam room was listed as out of order when inside the men occupying the steam room seemed to all be on the same page of looking for something sexual.

My eyes only wanted one of them. Him. His caramel skin. His muscular definition. His abs. His curly hair. This was a man. He was definitely more muscular than me. Slightly taller than me and by the way his eyes looked me over, I could feel he wanted me and he was waiting for me.

I waited by the door as the steam turned on and filled the room. This heat was different. Attempting to adjust my eyes to the room, I leaned in to see what the interior was like compared to the sauna. It was larger and deeper and visibly making out who was who and where to sit seemed hard. I cracked the door open to let the steam out but also to get some cold air to alleviate the heat from standing in the steam for a few moments.

I couldn’t understand how anyone could stay inside there for too long. Opening the door prompted people to exit and that meant a seat had opened up but also he was still inside.

The door closed as the steam finally stopped filling the room and slowly felt my way inside feeling the wet steam would make it easy to slip but to find him and be closer.

As the steam somewhat cleared, I felt a hand grab me as I started to sit on the upper seats leading me closer to him directing me to the lower seating. I looked up finally being able to lock eyes with him and finally taking in the view of his body but more importantly his dick. His towel opened as he opened his legs to me sitting in between them. I didn’t hesitate to move closer as my lips wanted one thing.

The steam came back on filling the room. We would be hidden in the fog but if we weren’t I didn’t care. He was mine and I was his and anyone else didn’t matter. My lips came close to his dick and parted ways to let it enter. His hands caressed over me until he grabbed my head pushing it into him. My body accepted, letting the thickness make its way in and I moved up and down sucking it like it was all I knew how to do.

It was new for me. I had messed around before but not as much so finding myself in this reality felt different. His gaze unlocked something in me and the feeling I wanted more of. I paid no attention to the heat of the steam just the need to take him into my throat as I opened up to him. His moans turned me on more and I continued, licking and sucking and allowing him deep inside my mouth as if thats where he belonged. Sweat dripped down his abs and I enjoyed the view of his body, the intensity of what we were doing without a care of who watched or anything for that matter. I had forgot that I was at the gym and that I had came there to workout.

Who was I kidding? I came there for him. And I lost myself in him as his dick slid in and out of my mouth and down my throat. I sucked harder as I could feel he was close. He didn’t let up fucking my throat and I didn’t let up on sucking. I didn’t stop for a break. It felt too good. It tasted too good, and I wanted to taste all of him.

His moaning grew more intense and I could help but to pull him into me refusing to let go until he exploded down my throat. I came myself as I couldn’t take the intensity any longer and once he came, I continued wanting every drop. His dick erupted in my mouth and I sucked on. His seed filling my mouth and throat, it was sweet and tasted so good. It was the reward I deserved and for him, it was just a taste of all he could get from me.

Once I let his dick slide out of my mouth, my eyes followed the trail up to his chest, grabbing them as I bit my lips, satisfied that I made him give in, satisfied that I sucked him until he came. My body was shaking. I couldn’t believe the moments. He helped me up and we existed the steam room back into the reality of the effects being in the heat so long could take.

A quick shower to cool down and then it was back to reality for real. The thoughts that I had entered another dimension or realm that didn’t actually exist came into mind again. I still didn’t know his name. I still couldn’t believe myself or the events but thats what it was.

Leaving the shower, I found him again, already dressed and leaving. Too many steps ahead of me for me to catch him on my way out. Could we actually have a conversation, to actually say anything beyond the intense eye fucking that led to his dick down my throat or anything beyond the moments in this realm that existed apart from working out at the gym?

I wondered where it could go as I headed home.

See more on Patreon
Author's notes: The idea is this short story will be a stand alone in a series of different erotic stories. There won't be chapters unless this story takes off in a direction of its own. Breaking the entire story up but it's just heating up. What will happen next? Which title should I go with?
(Sauna Stories and Tales for The Locker Room to me sounds like a series while, this story includes multiple situations from the locker room, im still on the fence.)

More to come...

Wow !!!…I want more;) too
  • Wow
Reactions: P.J.9
Title of overall Series - Pain Is The New Pleasure
This story - Tales from the Locker Room

More content including more parts of this series are available on my


Rhyheim & Will.gif

Time didn’t exist in the realm where our encounters happened. Days or even weeks could have gone by but it didn’t feel as long. I didn’t see him in the days following the moments I got a taste but I wanted more. Going to the gym felt uneventful as no one another than him was appealing to me. Nothing pulled me in as he did and no one brought out the intensity that I had experienced when it came to him.

I relaxed in the sauna, taking in the heat of the room, relaxing my muscles after a workout. I watched as others came and went and knew what they were up to. There were gazes upon my body as sweat dripped down my chest but I didn’t indulge. I made my way into the steam room, only for a moment, using it as it was intended I suppose.

Who knows how much time passed when I returned to the gym again and my eyes met his again. It was as if no time had passed and this thing between us ignited once again. It was just a look and I melted into him. I was his and he knew it but he was also mine. We didn’t need to speak any words. We didn’t need to say anything when our bodies did all of the talking. We were transported to a realm that things outside of the norm existed.

I didn’t need to know his name. What did knowing his name mean in these moments. We were beyond that. Any name would become the most sexy. Everything about him was sexy. His scowl when he seemed angry or annoyed that we weren’t left alone fast enough for him to be all over me. Even the moments he would stare into my soul was sexy. I couldn’t wait for him to take me.

What was next? I didn’t know. A packed sauna and an out of order steam room, meant we wouldn’t get to be all over each other as we so badly wanted. I couldn’t take my eyes off him though as he couldn’t either. The movement and rotation of others moving in and out shuffled me to stand next the seating area that was almost close to the heater itself, but there was plenty of room for it to feel like it was just us as I leaned against the wall and faced him.

Every time he glanced over I couldn’t help but to wipe my hand across my chest wishing it was his hands but also to wipe the sweat dripping down off me.

It was almost as if we communicated telepathically. I was up for anything he was and every moment, I took to tease him or take things up to another level. I removed my towel slightly showing off my own hard dick just as he did to me. Others in the sauna was in there own zone but everyone was on the same page which made things more intense.

I was in a corner and signaled for him to enter the corner with me. There was space but I knew it was limited. I knew the moment he would be there, we would be to close but that’s how close I wanted for us. He did too.

He stood inches taller than me and pulled me into him as he leaned on the seated area. I could feel his dick moving under his towers as his lips pressed against mine. Finally.

We made out ignoring everything else in the room but not really as everyones actions took things too another level. Guys jerking off. Guys sucking each other. Some blocking the door but also looking out for staff interrupting. It was hot.

I felt around his body as he held me into him, sliding his tongue in and out of my mouth, caressing me as he held me. I felt exposed but I didn’t care. I was ready to drop to my knees and pull his towel off him and take his dick into my mouth again. He tasted so good and I wanted to taste him again.
He let me go and I licked his chest and his nipples on the way dock to his dick. It belonged to me and I wanted what was mind. I took him into my mouth reminding him where he belonged. I loved every second. His moaning, the way his body felt as he moved, I wanted to drive him further into ecstasy.

He pulled me up from sucking him. I almost made him explode. He kissed me passionately and I kissed him back. Could it get any hotter.


I was sweating. I was close to the heater but ignored it for the feeling he gave as he turned me around and his dick pressed against my ass. I pressed it into it moving it around teasing him, letting him know it was his. He kissed my neck and I was weak for him.

The whole sauna moaned in pleasure from their own activities but I was lost in mine with him. I positioned myself up for his dick to run down the middle of my ass. I backed into him, moaning, ready for him to be inside me. His hands grabbed my waste and moved me onto him as his dick poked against my hole.

I was totally lost in the heat and in him. The feeling of his body against mine was everything I needed and wanted. It didn’t cross my mind, the lines that had been crossed because I was in another realm with him. The rules had gone out the window. What existed when he was next to me was something I didn’t comprehend. It was new but all I could do was give in.

He thrusted into me attempting to open the door that was ready for him to open it. I moaned at the feeling as I leaned back into him to kiss him once more. He thrusted again pulling my waist into him at the same time and I opened up to him and he slid in and out, making my insides fit to the size of his dick. It felt good. I moaned again.

“This is what you wanted?”

Mmhmm. was all I can get myself to say.

He continued sliding in and out but deeper and further into me until he was all the way inside and thats when I became his. He slammed into me with everything holding me close to him as he gave me what I wanted.

“Yesss,” I moaned as he continued sliding his dick deeper and deeper into me. His hands all over me controlling my every movement. He grabbed my neck turning me into more kisses.

This feels good.

I moaned against his kissing and his heavy breathing as he went faster and faster inside of me. I didn’t want him to stop but I knew it was coming and I could feel myself tightening the grip around his dick to get him to come inside. I wanted it. I wanted to feel him explode inside me. He could. He could have anything he wanted at that point.

Our passion didn’t let up. I’m sure the moaning could be heard outside of the sauna but that didn’t stop us. I was lost in him as he pounded me while we stood in our own little world.

“Ooohhh yeah,”


“Yess, give it to me,”

“You want it?”


The build up of it all caused me to explode right on the sauna walls. He held me tighter as he thrusted away until holding on one and I could feel him exploding into me. His face collapsing into my back as he thrusted a few more times as he kissed and licked my neck.

I hadn’t experienced anything like this or anyone like him. I imagined I was dreaming and none of this was real but the reality of it set in when I came down from the high and back to the realization that we were in the sauna at the gym and we weren’t alone. Eyes watched us while lost in their own desires. The heat filling the room smelled of sex.

A brief moment of him holding me ended when he pulled himself out of me and adjusted his towel around himself and helped me with mine as he motioned for us to leave the sauna.

Good call.

I didn’t notice the heat until I was out of it and we were in the shower area. He led me inside where he turned the water on. It ran cold but it was what I needed before it turned slightly warmer. I stared into him still feeling I was dreaming and even imagining if he was real or not.

His body so muscular, his abs so tight. His face, the most handsome face I’d ever seen and it was inches away from mine. He leaned in and kissed me as the water ran down on us both and my hands found a place right on his chest.

This was a man.

Where would it go from here? – back to our prospective worlds? Once we stepped out of the showers it was back to the reality that whatever between us only existed here. No other words were spoken. He went to his locker and I went to mine, changing back into work clothes, leaving without as much as an acknowledgment that things were different between us or that we crossed into new territories.

Of course he was steps ahead of me on the way out but all of the cards were in his hands or so I considered. As the more experienced man but also as the one who pulled me in. I had no idea what would come next or if I should say more. I was following the energy that somehow passed into me. It was all new to me.

We walked in two different directions once we were outside as if two strangers who didn’t know each other or had the encounter with each other just moments before. I looked back to make sure I wouldn’t miss a signal but there was none. It didn’t exist in this reality. A world had opened up and I couldn’t wait to return.

I returned the next day looking for him, wanting more of him. I was lost in the desires that existed in the sauna that the time I spent there lasted longer than my workouts. When I’d undress and make my way to the showers, I’d peak to catch a glimpse of what was happening inside in the dimly lit sauna. There was always something happening and once I entered I was back in that realm.

He would be there glistening with sweat legs opened slightly exposing his dick that was barely covered by his towel. The idea of him changed but I still wanted him and so did everyone else. Guys surrounded him, caressing his leg, waiting for him to unleash his dick covered by his towel. It turned me on watching him being played with by someone else but apart of me felt protective of him. He was mine. His dick was mine.

I stood there watching for a second until something came over me. He was mine and I had to make it known. I walked over to him seated next to someone else caressing him and stood in front of him. Locking eyes with him as I unwrapped his towel allowing his dick to spring up. My hand wrapped around it staring into his eyes as he continued being caressed. I felt hands caressing me as we all fell deeper into desire. I stroked his dick and continued looking into his eyes. They pulled me. They made me want him. They invited me in and I couldn’t leave. My lips fell right into his lap and his dick, thick and veiny being stroked slowly by my hands stood at attention for me. I slapped it on my face and tongue before I started licking it.

He tasted so good. I kneeled in front of him on the lower seating to get more comfortable as I let his dick slide in and out of my mouth. It felt good. It felt right. Hands continued caressing my body as I got lost in him. I continued sucking and letting him enter me. I was his. His hands pushed my head into him and I let him go deeper. My throat wanted him.

I felt my towel fall and I was completely exposed but it felt good. The feeling of another body grinding against mine and hands grabbing all over me. I released his dick from my mouth to look up at him but also to take notice of what was happening. The second I leaned up he moved, stepping down from the seating moving me as he stood in front of me and grabbed me into a kiss. His tongue slipping in and out of my mouth as he began to feel his way around my own body. He turned me around and my ass connected right with his crotch and I could feel his dick jumping in excitement ready to enter me again.

I was his again but this was different. The other hands touched us both and things were even more intense. My ass bounced back into him waiting for his dick as his hands took hold of me, grabbing my neck and turning me into his kisses as he held me close to him. I felt hands starting to stroke my own hard dick.

His dick continued jumping until he positioned it to slide into me. I moaned. There were a lot of moans. I opened up for him to be where he belonged and I melted into him as his dick slid inside. I was his and he was in control of me.

He started fucking me and I was gone. Lost to the desire and the pleasure that I felt and found myself in. The feeling was exactly what I needed and wanted and I only wanted it. Nothing else mattered not the heat that continued building in the sauna and not others who were around touching me and each other. I was lost in the fuck that had me moaning, ass bouncing on him, dick flopping all over the place as he controlled my body.

“Yes daddy, fuck yes,” I moaned.

“You like that dick?”

“Yes, fuck me,” I answered.

And he fucked me. And I didn’t care that I was being fucked in a room where everyone was involved in their own desires but also witnessing the pleasure I was receiving from this man that I still didn’t know his name but felt like I knew everything about him.

His accent was so sexy as he spoke in my ear and moaned and grunted as he went deeper into my hole. It was his. I wanted him to pound me and he did. We didn’t have to say anything but we said so much. We understood. Our bodies spoke to each other’s in a language of their own.

I didn’t know what I wanted more him to fill my insides or fill my throat. But I was lost in him. Everyone was lost in their own worlds until the doors opened and staff was there.

“Ok, this isn’t cool.”

Everyone stopped snapping back to reality. I was stuck on the thought that we had all been caught but it crossed my mind that it was bound to happen.

“This is unbelievable.” he continued.

I didn’t move at first. We were in the furthest part inside the sauna, not visible by what was happening at the door. I still had his dick inside me. He still held on to me. It felt good. If I didn’t have to wait for everyone to get out of the way, I would have told him to pull out of me. I was caught between two feelings. Two worlds. He kissed on my neck as he held on to me, sliding in and out.

I couldn’t help but moan.

“Everyone in here will be banned from this gym,”

Okay, It was serious.

I finally moved unfortunately pulling away and started looking for my towel to cover up.

“Shit,” I found towels and handed one to him and wrapped one around me.

Exiting I bypassed the staff who was cool signing me in and out of the gym, who also stopped to chat about things. Seeing my face I saw the unexpected surprise on his face seeing me leave the sauna. And if there was any chance of not being banned, it was gone because he would definitely recognize me if I came back.

There goes the fun.

I went to shower, replaying all the events as the water dripped over my body. I thought about waiting there until so much time had passed that I would no longer be included in the everybody that would be banned. I even thought about the fun that would end as I caught a glimpse of him as I looked out the shower stall to a smile and a wink.

He was so sexy.

We didn’t even finish.

Would this be the last time?


See more on Patreon
Author's notes: The idea is this short story will be a stand alone in a series of different erotic stories. There won't be chapters unless this story takes off in a direction of its own. Breaking the entire story up but it's just heating up. What will happen next?

More to come
Tentative Title of overall Series - Pain Is The New Pleasure

This story - Sauna Stories / Tales from the Locker Room
More content including more parts of this series are available on my



Reality set in once I had gotten dressed and gathered my things from my locker. Maybe the gym would be strictly for working out and that’s all. Although this time would be at a totally different gym.

The next day I made my way to another location close by. I wondered if I would find him at this location, even wondered what the ban would change for him in his own routine. Those thoughts left when I made my way to the gym after work. This one was interesting because there was a pool. It was a selling point of the location and of course with that meant a crowded gym.

I skipped getting the tour and opted for walking through and discovering the gym for my self. New equipment to test out, multiple floors and of course men. I tried not to stare for more than a second as I walked through to get a feel of the location but also not to draw attention that I was new here.

Once I found a spot to work out, I focused on working out, core, ab crunches, lifting my body weight into crunches and leg lifts, arms and shoulders. The one thing about working out when it was this crowded was the occasional wait for a machine or being interrupted while working out.

“How many sets you got?”

I barely heard through my music but with this man deciding to stand so close to me. I looked over to him and over his muscular build in a blank tank.


“How many sets you got? Can I work one in?”

“I’m almost done,” I answered almost too quickly but also so I didn’t seem like I didn’t know what he was asking because at first I didn’t. No one had ever interrupted my workout before. Once I did two more, I stopped and gave him the machine.”

“Cool, thanks.” he said.

I don’t know if I was annoyed or not but for a second I wondered if I should have let him work in a set and take turns working on the machine but I opted to find the previous machine, I worked out on to redo everything I had done but that was in use.

And it was that moment that it was annoying and that was the end of my workout. I made it to the locker room upstairs and went to shower. Did take long to see the encounters taking place here.

Before I could even make it to the stall I could see in one of the stalls, two men were clearly fucking in the shower at the end. Slight moans could be heard as they attempted to be quiet. I could help but think how hot a shower fuck could be.

I showered quickly and found my way to the sauna which was located by the pool entrance. I considered if I should go for a swim but I wasn’t prepared for the pool. The sauna was too small but also he wasn’t there. It was too cramped for anything. Also all of the lighting made it hard to do much especially with people in and out of the pool area and staff walking back and forth to the pool. This would be interesting.

I sat down for a few moments, waiting. What was I waiting for? I was suppose to stop. I was not supposed to come here. I was not supposed to continue the same actions.

I missed him, his body, his dick, his taste.

I still didn’t know his name or anything about him. Where would I find him outside of where I found him that I was no longer allowed.

Did he even exist? The thought crossed my again as thinking of everything that happened in the sauna came back in to my mind. What took over me? Was that real?

His hands grabbing over me, sweat dripping down his body, his abs glistening, his dick bouncing up and down under the towel, waiting to be unleashed. My mouth watered thinking about him pushing my head down on his dick as he slid to the back of my throat. His taste. The sweetness. I missed it all.

Men came in and out. There was probably room for 3 people to sit on the upper level and 3 on the lower with enough space for themselves more if you really tried to pack the room.

And maybe thats what the sauna needed to be packed.

I stayed as more people entered.

Once the sweat came rolling down and the heat took over, I relaxed making eye contact with other men that were around.

“You know how to make it hotter?” one man said.

“No idea,” I responded.

Another decided to pour water on the heater and it instantly steamed up making it hotter.


I sat back and all it really took was eye contact, grabbing your bulge over your towel or shifting the towel slightly and everyone was doing the same until someone was bold enough to whip their dick out. What a place this was.

It wasn’t the previous gym’s sauna activity but I was in. I let my towel open up and played along pulling out my own dick. Touching myself until hands started touching me and my hands found themselves touching him and the other.

One tanned man with muscular build, slightly older with abs and a long dick to match. The other man slender but also his dick was big. I grabbed both and caressed them as sweat began to drip down from the sauna heat.

We kept the awareness up as to not wanting to get caught. The slight sense of someone coming we would return back to ourselves and wrap our towels around us like nothing happened. That probably made things hotter.

I wanted more so opted to head back to the shower flashing a smile at the older guy. I found my way to an empty stall and turned the water on to cool down. Guess the two who were fucking earlier had gotten what they needed and left. The showers were empty and I began to want what they had.

Before I could get in, the older guy appeared out of the sauna entrance and walked over to the showers. Watching me as he removed his towel and showing his hard dick to me as he stood in front of his own shower stall naked. It was just us so I did the same. If he came over he could join me in the shower.

I couldn’t pull myself from the desire and the want of him. I started feeling it could’ve been anyone but this place had created something I couldn’t escape anymore. It wasn’t just me. Working out and being surrounded by men sweating wearing tanks and shorts that barely left anything to the imagination to only wearing a towel to naked. There was quite a selection and I wanted more and I needed a distraction from him.

Like a reflex, I nodded in the direction of the shower. There was no need for words when we both knew exactly what it meant and what our eyes were telling each other. He proceeded over and hung his towel before heading in right after me.

There were smiles and grins as we stood close under the water. Kisses followed as we fell into each other. I started thinking if this was happening again. How was I in this situation when I knew the answer. We kept kissing and grabbing each other. His hands found their way to my ass and started squeezing my cheeks. I could feel his sick hard as fuck pressed against mine. We didn’t take our mouths off of each other’s. I couldn’t. Not until he released me and turned me around against the wall. His kissing continued on the back of my neck and down my spine until he squeezed my ass and kissed each cheek.

This was hotter than being in the sauna and again it started to feel as though we were somewhere else.

He moved my body helping me arch my back until my ass poked out in front of his face. He wasted no time diving in tongue first like I was his last meal. I moaned a little as his tongue opened my hole. The sensation was one that I couldn’t put in to words.

“Mmm, fuck yes.” I whispered.

And he kept going.

My body was now under his control and whatever he wanted I wanted it too. I was ready when he took a break, knowing his sick was next. I wanted it in my throat but I was already in position for him to slide inside me as he stood behind me and started kissing my neck again.

“Fuck,” I whispered louder.

I felt the pressure of his sick making its way inside of me, where it belonged. Once he was all the way in his arm wrapped around my stomach and pulled me in closer as he slid in and out. Kissing my neck, I turn so he could kiss my lips as he fucked me. He fucked me right against the wall as the shower continued washing over us.

“Fuck me,”



The feeling I didn’t want to end but the pleasure continued to build. He slid out of me and turned me around while pushing me down. His sick in my face ready to explode. I wasn’t ready when he started to cum. I accept his load all over my face as he moaned and grunted and twitched from his orgasm. My lips found their way to his sick and took it in, and I licked and sucked him for the few moments he could take.

He pulled me up and we continued making out for a moment until we shared a laugh.

Did that just happen?

He looked out into the shower area before leaving me for his own stall. I continued washing and let the water drip over me until it was time to go back to the locker room and get dressed.

I left there excited about this new location and how this was something I could get used to.

Returning the next day, I discovered that there were sort of a schedule or maybe things didn’t happen at the frequency I expected. Something was different over the next few days and it started to annoy me. Maybe it was the pool area which I still hadn’t checked out but the people heading to the pool took away from the encounters of the sauna.

I thought about finding another gym but realized during my workout there was another locker room. One one the other gym floor, larger than the one by the pool and where all the reoccurring gym goers were.

Wish I had known sooner.

I moved my stuff from the upstairs locker room and made my way to the other locker room. Undressing to shower and relax my muscles in the sauna – who was I kidding. I was going to see what was going on in this locker room.

I didn’t have to look further as it was easy to see what was happening in the sauna as I made my way to a shower stall. It was packed. Men were in front of the doorway, keeping a look out.

I stood in front of the sauna doors, in front of the showers closest to it and removed my towel waiting for the water to be ready but also to be seen by the men ready for more activities. I got in my shower and let the water fall over me but also watching outside of my shower at the selection of men going back and forth.

I had somewhat of a plan. See who was inside the sauna as they came out to cool off but also wait till it got less crowded which started to take a while. I opted to go in but it was overcrowded for a small sauna. But everyone inside wanted some action or another.

I stood inside the doorway with my back against the door. Watching as those furthest away pulled out their dicks and continued pleasuring themselves or each other. Those on the bottom seating with their mouths open to start sucking.

My dick got hard. I wanted that to be me but watching was hot and seeing who was here that I wanted was also hot.

I watched the action as my dick jumped under the towel. I was ready to pull mine out but being in the doorway meant anyone walking by would see and bring attention to the scene.

One guy seemed to lost to a desire that I hadn’t reached as multiple guys had their dicks in his face and he maneuvered himself to suck multiple while stroking others.

It was hot.

“Do you need a hand or a mouth or some help?” I wondered but I would volunteer for this treatment, I imagined.

As it got hotter and I was hard. I opted for leaving only because watching and not taking part wasn’t as fun. Plus I needed to cool down.

I returned to the same shower and let the water flow over my body. My dick hard from watching and I needed something for it to go down. Jerking off to the encounter found eyes watching from outside of my stall.

All the showers must have been taken and the guys were piling up waiting for a shower. A variety of men to select from but I couldn’t hold the need to release and ended up releasing my load right in the shower.

And with that today’s encounter was over.

There were too many men and not enough space and opportunities – at least for that day.


See more on Patreon

Author's notes: The idea is this short story will be a stand alone in a series of different erotic stories. There won't be chapters unless this story takes off in a direction of its own. Breaking the entire story up but it's just heating up. What will happen next?
This series & more available on my Patreon


I returned the next day and headed straight to the lower level locker room which was great because it wasn’t as crowded. Maybe I had arrived before all the activities would begin. Working out was a secondary thing for now as I could only think of everything that could happen in the sauna.

I showered quickly and made my way inside and was shocked at the emptiness. It was brighter than I remembered and there was room to find a spot. I positioned a towel under my ass and draped a second one of my lap, taking in the heat of the sauna.

Moments passed before the guys started to show. I was a bit more daring than ever. What had gotten into me? I would remove my towel to wipe sweat off but to really show off my dick which was hard as fuck. I made it jump only to place the towel back over it and to see who was looking.

That seemed to be the signal to start things off with one muscular light guy showing off his own dick. The big and veiny cock jumped and made my mouth water. I moved closer and our legs intertwined and the towel dropped and we were both naked grabbing our dicks.

Again no need for words. Our hands move to each others dicks and our mouths met each other’s for a kiss. The kiss itself was intense that my body naturally moved even closer lifting up off the seating and into his lap. We made out and I couldn’t help but open up to him. His fingers found their way to my hole and I moaned as he began to finger me. I was so exposed that I didn’t even notice more men were now in the sauna and suddenly I was the center of attention.

Another man grabbed my dick and began stroking and I moved up and down on the fingers moving inside me.

I moaned some more.

“Yes,” I managed to say as lips wrapped around my dick and began sucking on me. I continued kissing this man as he moved and positioned my ass over his own dick.

“You want this dick?” He whispered in my ears as he kissed my neck.

“Yes daddy give me that dick,” I heard myself say.

The feeling of his dick poking my hole and the hands all over my body took over. I couldn’t control my moans nor did I want to. He slowly pushed my body down as he entered me and I continued moaning.

His dick slid inside my hole as a mouth continued sucking my dick. Dick was everywhere. Guys watched me and jerked themselves off.

I was lost to desire.

I was open.

In here I was someone else.

It was no longer new to me. I had given myself up to the feeling as dick slid in and out of me. I bounced up and down moaning loudly.

“Fuck, give it to me.”

It felt amazing.

I realized dick was to my left and right and as I bounced up and down on one. One flopped in my face and my mouth opened for it to enter.

There I was sucking dick, getting sucked and getting fucked. Sweat dripping down from each of us as we continued to no end. There was no concern about being caught. I don’t think staff checked on this sauna. Guys stood in the doorway ultimately looking out but also showing the sauna was full.

I let dick slide out of me and I repositioned myself to get in a more comfortable position but my body was being guided and I felt another dick readying itself to enter me.

Did I want more?

“Yesss,” before I could get the words out dick was pushing its way into my mouth. I let it in and continued sucking like it was all I knew to do.

My body was out of my control and I could feel myself arching my back against dick that I wanted in me. Was it the sauna heat that took me to another realm or was this who I was now?

I pulled away and felt around for my towel.

“Let me cool off,” I said before he pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back and almost fell back into it as I caressed his abs and felt his dick.

I found my way to the exit and into the shower and with me opting to cool down so did everyone in the sauna. I let the cold water run for a bit and before I knew it the shower stall opened and he was there. Sweat was glistening down his body and the sight of him brought me back to that realm and I pulled him into me and continued kissing him.

His hands grabbed my ass as he pushed me against the wall and continued kissing me. I moaned into his kisses as my body began wanting more.

“Fuck me,”

That’s all he needed to hear and with those words he turned me around and I poked out my ass ready for him to enter me again. I felt his dick slapping against my ass right before it found my hole and I opened up to him again as he began pounding me against the shower wall.

I couldn’t control my moans and it didn’t matter the noise we were making out of the confines of the sauna. Other guys knew we were fucking and I didn’t care. The feeling of his body pressed against mine as he slid in and out of me was all I wanted. The way he kissed the back of my neck and moaned in my ear was all I needed.

And I needed it to go on forever.

He kept pounding me until he pulled out and came all over my back. The shower poured over both of us and he turned me into his embrace and we continued making out.

Another grin came across my face as once again I wondered how I found myself here and how any of that took place but I continued with it, kissing until we had enough and decided to sneak out of the shower as if it wasn’t already known what we had done.

“That was hot,” he said.

I nodded.

He left out the shower first leaving me standing in the water as I waited a few seconds and left out towards the locker room.

Damn that was a work out.

Did I have it in me to do an actual work out? The energy spent was more than enough. Back at my locker, I got dressed and watched him change into gym clothes.

It would’ve been interesting what working out could’ve been.

“See you,” he said before heading into the gym.

I left the gym and for the first time my workout had been getting fucked and sucking dick. I couldn’t get the images out of my head but also I didn’t want to. Who was I?

The unknown had opened up to me and I entered to no escape.

I would return for more. How could I not? Sharing a look, adjusting a towel, grabbing your dick was mainly all it took. Add in staff that didn’t frequently check in and you have a sauna, steam room or shower where anything could go.

And there were days of getting head and returning the favor to watching other guys on their knees sucking all the dicks in the face — to think I had a moment similar but watching was also hot. Watching men fucking was hot too. It crossed my mind to join in but with so many men, it was too much to crowd the space.

It gave me a break from the action until a guy captured my attention and I couldn’t help but want him to have whatever he wanted. He was usually the straight acting fit guy who you couldn’t tell if he would be down for anything. He’d be so into his fitness that it seemed whenever he came in the sauna, it was for what the sauna was actually there for. He’d be fully clothed. He’d removed his shirt and flex and continue doing a workout in the sauna and then go back to working out in the gym.

I’d catch his eyes a few times and watch him while working out but didn’t think anything of it. He was nice to look at and was motivating for my own workouts — which I needed to be a thing and not just being at the gym for the sauna.

I’d watch and follow his routine somewhat, going into the sauna fully clothed letting the heat relax the worked out muscles, even seeing what was happening inside if anything. He’d usually show on the weekends and there was a window around noon where there could be moments or it was completely empty and hit or miss.

When I stopped focusing on running into him and I found moment to relax in the sauna by myself, he finally showed. I had gotten too comfortable and laid across the entire seating in one corner.

A towel under my head and a towel covering my body was how he found me. I opted to readjust so it wasn’t awkward or anything but also to not make it seem like anything other than relaxing. He watched as I turned and sat up and just as my towel dropped off of my body. I moved to readjust it but it was clear that he caught the view of my dick at attention because of him.

Of course he went with his usual working out in here before removing his shirt due to the heat or because of his working out or to flex and show off.

I wasn’t mad at it.

His body glistened with sweat and the more he moved, the more my dick jumped. I opted to stretch to distract from my staring at his body but I couldn’t help but to stare as he was the view.

Who would make the first move?

He continued stretching and moving and walking back and forth to the doorway and then back inside the sauna.

I couldn’t figure him out.

Should I say something?

It is only us here.

My eyes should have said enough. I thought to get up and exit but his workout seem to get closer to me. Whatever he wanted he could have. I couldn’t help but to think. With stretching right in front of me, my hands couldn’t help themselves and I needed to touch him — his abs, his chest. his hands guided my hands down his gym shorts to his dick.

All the time we crossed paths, here we were, alone and to think about all the time wasted, wondering if he wanted to or not. I had my answer but another question, had he been waiting just for me?


Next Part Available Now on Patreon

Author's notes: The idea is this short story will be a stand alone in a series of different erotic stories. There won't be chapters unless this story takes off in a direction of its own. Breaking the entire story up but it's just heating up. What will happen next?
Sorry for the delay. Life.
Hoping to get back to writing more but here's the next part
This series & more available on my Patreon


“Damn, you’re sexy as fuck,” I said.

“You too,” he said as he guided my hand over his sweaty body.

“You come here often?” I wanted to know more.

“Usually just the weekend,”

I sat back to take in the view of him. “I was wondering when I would see you here again.

He moved closer.

“I knew I saw you staring at this dick. And now you have it in front of you.” He pulled his shorts down letting his dick spring out in front of my face.

“It’s pretty,” I said.

“Suck it,” he responded as he pushed his dick right to my face. My mouth opened and let him slide his dick in my mouth. He hit the back of my throat and continued sliding into my mouth.

The way I wanted a taste and now I was getting it put me over the edge. I was completely turned on by him and excited to please him. I sucked him up like there was no time and I knew I was pushing him closer.

“Damn you gonna make me bust,” He pulled out of my mouth and took a step back while pulling up his shorts as he looked out of the sauna doorway.

I smiled at my effort.

“You should have kept it in,”

“Had to check if someone was coming,”

No one was.

I had him.

I stood up to see what he was seeing outside the sauna and it was clear it was just us. My hands couldn’t help themselves and they found themselves caressing over him again, pushing him against the sauna wall as my lips found his.

I kissed forcefully and intensely as I found my hand around his dick and pulled on it.

“Damn you so sexy,”

“Oh yeah?,” he kissed back in between my break and his hand found their way around my neck as he continued kissing me. He guided me back into the sauna and away from the doorway.

His hand around my neck excited me more and I was even more weak to his presence.


It was hot. I moaned into his kisses and felt further into him. His other hand gripped my ass and I melted into him. I liked his hands around my neck. He squeezed me in to a feeling I couldn’t help but to want. I hadn’t been open to the idea but this moment I couldn’t resist. I didn’t want to resist.

His hand pushed my face away as he kissed me once more before forcing my face into his crotch. I kissed on his print outside of his shorts, feeling it jump and pulsate to the mood.

I couldn’t help but want to continue being choked.

Of course the sound of someone approaching would make him back away and continue stretching and moving as if we weren’t doing anything.

I laughed slightly when the door opened because I couldn’t be mad at the interruption. I got a taste and at the point the heat was too much and I could use a break.

He exited and I followed soon after.

“What’s your name?” he asked.


“Rome.” he replied. “We should do our workouts together sometime.”

“We should.” And the workout in my mind meant multiple things. “I’m trying to get like you,”

“Here take my number,” he said as I opened my locker near his. “I’m about to head out,”

“Yeah we have to have round two,” I said as I gave him my phone to put his number in. He proceeded to dial his number and rang his phone.

“Cool, glad we finally… you know.” he laughed. “I’ll see you around.”

And we would meet for a workout and pull ourselves to the hidden corners of the gym or the bathroom stall or wherever. The first time I didn’t realize that there was a hidden area – a storage area for towel bins.

I had just finished doing a set of pull ups before Rome motioned me behind the bins. He was so hot in his sleeveless tank that was cut from a T-shirt. You could visibly see his body from the side view.

“C’mere,” he said in an almost whisper.

I thought we were moving on to another workout at first until he pulled me into a kiss. As my body got closer to his, I could feel his dick was hard under his shorts.

“Watching you work out is making my dick hard.” He pulled his shorts out to show me and soon as my eyes looked at it I automatically fell to my knees and was taking it out. There was no need for words as I was already having my mouthful taking his dick into my mouth. He began sliding in and out and I couldn’t help but moan. The taste was so good sweaty and salty. I almost lost track that we were still on the gym floor.


I couldn’t help myself I wanted it.

“Damn, you gonna make me bust babe,”

I almost wanted him to.

I finally got the nerve to stop when Rome slowly pulled away. No need to bring attention to us being behind the bins. We definitely didn’t want to get caught.

We laughed it off and returned to our workout.

And working out would constantly find us in these positions. Randomly returning to the locker room if it was empty, he would find himself smacking my ass or grabbing it or even pushing me against the lockers with his body so I could feel his dick in his shorts.

I would grab his dick or even tease him by bending over in front him, close that our bodies were touch and I would grind into him. The teasing was building up because we hadn’t yet fucked. Maybe something else was building as well.

Even an empty bathroom would find us in a stall making out or licking on each other. Empty sauna would also find us all over each other. I watched our shadows interact as the heat build around us and between us.

“You so bad,” he said.


As if our actions was only because of me and not between the sparks that clearly were between us. This realm that we entered hear was something else because it existed outside of here. And his energy brought that out of me.

“You like this dick?”

He knew I did.

I nodded as I licked and sucked on it. As soon as I got in a rhythm he would flip it. This time pushing me against the sauna wall as his tongue found my hole. He licked back in forth and motions I felt inside that made me bite my lips and push my ass into his face.

“Yes get that hole ready,” I said.

And he went deeper. And I got lost in it.

The silhouettes of our bodies was outlined on the walls and I couldn’t help but take in how good it looked, just as good as it was feeling. I moaned and my body moved into his tongue. I was ready for more.

The doors of the sauna opened and disruption ruined the mood. Rome found his way up from my hole, licking and kissing on my back till he reached my neck. He slightly ignored the person coming into the sauna as he continued sucking on my neck as he had me pinned against the wall.

“Lets go back to my place so I can give you this dick,” he whispered in my ear as I felt him pull me into him as he wrapped a towel back around me.

I was ready for his dick in that moment but the way he whispered those words to me, I got even more excited. He turned me around and our lips fell into a kiss and his hands grabbed on my ass.

“Keep it up and you’ll have to fuck me right here,” I said.

Rome laughed as we parted from each other and he smacked my ass, moving me towards the doors to exit.

The energy or whatever it was that had me before was different this time. There was no lines dividing what took place in the sauna that had me lost in what felt like an alternate reality. Once we stepped out of the sauna and made it the locker room. Rome eyes gazed at me while we grabbed our things. He remained closed to me, feeling on my body.

“Look how you got me in here,” he said pulling my hand to his crotch to feel how hard his dick was in his gym shorts.

“And its all mine and you’re giving it to me,” I said and we kissed again.

“Wait till we get home,” he said.

Home. It rolled off his tongue. It was a place that I hadn’t been. But he spoke as if this place was ours. Something about him had me. And I had him.

The car ride didn’t take too long that I was still biting my lips thinking about all that we could do while really to ourselves with no interruptions.

His words replayed in my mind. “Lets go back to my place so I can give you this dick.” He hadn’t given it to me yet but he had me.

I was lost in him.

Next Part Available Now on Patreon
Other series: Love & Lust

Author's notes: I decided to do some edits and continue where the story left off and make the story its own thing instead of just a short story.
This series & more available on my Patreon

PART V (cont.)

Inside we couldn’t even make it to his place before he was all over me in the hallway. He grabbed me from behind, pulling me into him and I could feel he was hard again as his dick pressed against my ass. He kissed on my neck and moved me as we walked through the hallway.

I was ready for him to rip off all of my clothes and have me.

“Damn baby,” I said.

We moved as if we were one as he led me to the elevator and the elevator ride found us face to face kissing as my hand felt over his dick inside his gym shorts and his hands held my ass pulling me closer. If we couldn’t keep our hands off of each other during our workouts at the gym, we were entering an entirely new territory.

Rome laughed as the elevator doors opened to his floor and he grabbed my hands to lead me to his place.

Inside I almost felt shy as this was new. He walked in comfortable in his place and I stood there looking around at what seemed foreign to me. His place was large, nicely decorated, there were large windows and a view overlooking the city.

“Want a drink or anything?” Rome said.

“Just that dick,” the words slipped out. I laughed at the boldness that came out of nowhere almost, as a few moments ago, I felt shy.

Rome came closer kissing my lips again. He grabbed the gym bag that I was holding to put it down and led me further into his place.

The living room was spacious as he opted to lead me there. I sat down on the couch and continued looking around.

“By the way, nice place,” I said randomly.

Rome started pouring drinks. “Wait til your in my bed,”

“Lead the way then,” I said back.

He handed me a glass that had whiskey in it and drank it as if it was a single shot. Rome did the same before walking over to me and standing in front of me.

“Music?” he asked.

I hadn’t really thought about it. My face was eye level to his bulge as he opted on pouring another but his movements made his dick too appealing.

My hands reached out, one lifting up his shirt to taking in the view of his abs, the other pulling down the front of his gym shorts to the view of his pubes and then his dick which sprang out once I pulled the shorts low enough.

The scent of him pulled me in as he danced slightly in front of me while sipping on the drank he poured.

“You so fucking sexy,” I said as I took in the view of him. I grabbed on his dick, ready to taste him.

“You —“

I took his dick into my mouth before he could finish his statement and it trailed into a moan. Rome’s hand found its way behind my head as he pulled me into him. His dick pushed its way into my mouth and into my throat as it slid back and forth, in and out of my mouth.

I took a slight break to breath and Rome put his glass to my mouth and the liquor slid inside. He sat the glass down and placed his hands on the side of my face.

“You so fucking beautiful,” he said.

The words hit me differently. The way they rolled off his tongue was sexy but I wasn’t expecting him to say that. I could feel myself blushing as I could help but the cheese and I couldn’t stop my own face from smiling.

“Sexy ass smile,” he continued. “Stand up babe, let me look at you,” He pulled me up and our lips met for a moment before he pulled my gym shorts down and smacked my ass. It hurt but it hurt so good. “And that ass,”

“This ass?”

“Yeah that ass,” Another kiss. “Is mine.”

He smacked it again.


“Mmhmm, mine!” he grabbed it and squeeze it, kissing me some more.

“You’re gonna have to make it yours grabbing on it like that,” I said.

Those words. Who was I to be talking like that?

Both his hands grabbed my cheeks as my shorts hit the floor. His grip had me close up on him and we continued kissing. I wasn’t ready when he flipped it — well me, figuratively. He gripped my cheeks and lifted me off the ground and held me by my thighs as we kissed and he carried me out of the living room.

Lost in it and him, I didn’t pay much attention to the distance or anything as we made it to what I assume was the bedroom. Only thing I knew was he had tossed me on the bed which felt like I had landed on a bunch of the softest clouds. Before I can figure out anything Rome was already climbing over me and kissing me again.

A hand grabbed my neck.

“You want this dick,” Rome said into my ears.


“Tell me you want this dick,”

“I want that dick,”

“I ain’t hear you, what?” he said.

“I —“

His hand squeezed and no words came out. Only pleasure. His control over my body, moved me as his body got me into position. I felt his dick teasing my hole as my legs lifted up to allow him in.

Fuck me daddy.

If the words would’ve came out.

He entered me and as he slid inside there was his eyes staring into mine, into my soul with each stroke.

“You wanted this dick right?” he said.

“Yessss,” I said with moans and struggling through his tightened grip. He kissed forceful as he penetrated me deep.

This felt different.

His fast strokes slowed and pushed in and out slowly till it was in completely and out completely.

Why you fucking me this good? Who said to fuck me like this? I wondered.

He pulled away for a moment and I relished in the feeling. Did I need a break — maybe? But it wasn’t a moment for a break, as I started to catch my breath, Rome was flipping me over.

“We’re not done yet,” he whispered in my ear as his hands fell up my body and pulled me up, til his hand returned to my neck. His legs spread my legs apart as he pushed my back into an arch and slid back inside me.


I though he fucked me good before but in this position it was even more intense as he pulled me into him, my back into his chest. He kissed and licked on my ear as he went to pounding me. All I could do was moan and his voice electrified me.

“How that dick feel?”

“You like how it feel don’t you,”

“This is what you wanted right?”

He continued pounding me while pulling me into him. I moaned. I grunted. I attempted to answer. He didn’t wait for me to.

“What you was saying about making it mine?”

I could feel the sweat dripping down, between us. My body was under his control or out of my control. The urge to let go came and I fell into the bed with my ass up and his dick continued sliding in and out of me. My moans grew louder.

“You knew this shit was yours,” I managed to say. “Owww fuck,” I yelled.

“This shit what?”

“This shit yours,”


“Its yours daddy, Its yours Rome,”

He went deeper. He went faster. I moaned louder. How we ended up here, I wondered but I knew the moment I caught his eyes, I wanted this.

“Damn that dick big,”

“I know this dick big, you like this big dick?”

He knew how to flip it back on me. He was in control but I could feel something in me wanting to fuck back as my body rose back into him, making him lean back. My ass moved up and down on his dick.I felt it shift.

“Damn babe,” he said. “Ride that dick,”

I bounced on him. “And that dick’s mine,”

“Fuck babe,”

The more intense it got the more I pushed myself on him. I could feel it. We were close. He jerked my dick as I bounced on his. But his hands grabbed me gripped me tightly as he took back the control I thought I had and started pounding into me. He pushed me down into the bed and continued. I could feel myself cumming as he fucked me into the bed.

“I’m bout to —“ he started to speak but I could feel his dick release inside of me as he thrusted into me and held it.


He fell into me and all we could do was lay there as we were. I didn’t want it any other way.



Next Part Available Now on Patreon
Other series: Love & Lust