Well, as you know, I very rarely use the models "everyone uses." I just use guys off the street (not literally, I just mean non-models.). And I pull a lot of guys from the gym, and that moves into friends of friends who get involved. So, most of the time, by this point, I've seen the guys naked or partially naked in the locker rooms (and they have seen me), so there is generally no tense moments of awkwardness, except for the brief moment where they wonder if they should "be polite" and go to the bathroom in my studio to change... but then most realize that is kindof past the point already, so they just strip. And quite honestly MOST of the guys - or maybe I should say "far more than other photographers" - the guys are legitimately straight. These are guys that many times I have a previous interaction or gym-bro connection with (you know, where you have seen them daily but have no idea what their name is... haha)... so I guess they know that I am not some "random" person who doesn't know many other people that they know. I think it would be far different if they walk in "cold." I am very very nteractive with the guys during the shoots - talking, directing, showing them the shots already done in my camera, etc., and I interact and adjust or correct things they are wearing (or whatever) while they are standing there nude, and I make no big deal about it... hardly recognize it. So it is far different than you see in the pornos. The amount of time we LAUGH during a shoot of any kind is going on DURING the pics you see, where they have to "pull it together" to get the "butch serious face back on." Hopefully this behind the scenes video I attached will work. I've never attached a video before....