Ted pullin (hot blakely model)

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He gives the impression he is as thick as two planks when he talks. But he does look great serious face. Rather less attractive when he smiles. Almost a bit goofy. Saw him in public once and he is absolutely stunning looking in real life. Torso seems disproportionately long to his lower half.
Okay by me as long as he doesn't stick his tongue out.
VPL is very prominent in this photo, Get yourself some new glasses honey
I'm sorry, I just see empty space and loose fabric where his junk should be.
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He gives the impression he is as thick as two planks when he talks. But he does look great serious face. Rather less attractive when he smiles. Almost a bit goofy. Saw him in public once and he is absolutely stunning looking in real life. Torso seems disproportionately long to his lower half.
I totally agree. He does sound as thick as a brick. I think he mentioned once that he had got into Uni to study a joke of a course, had not been able to cope with the workload so he dropped out. But I guess we’re not here for his bright intellect. I saw him in public in central Oxford and can confirm that he is as handsome as he looks in his polished pictures. I actually wanted to go and say hi and perhaps ask for a picture with him, but he seemed to be with his mum and one of his brothers, so I decided that was not the right moment to greet him.
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