Have you ever had testicular cancer?

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Matt Murray

Legendary Member
Oct 21, 2017
99% Gay, 1% Straight
Has anyone on here had an experience with testicular cancer? I know this isn't the most exciting topic, but sharing experiences like this could help someone else out down the road.

A few of the questions to anyone open to answering:
How did you get diagnosed?

Aside from feeling the actual lump, did your body feel any differently, or did you notice something was off?

What treatments did you go through?

Were you ever embarrassed about it?...Either too embarrassed to seek a medical professional in the beginning, or embarrassed to talk about it with friends or family afterwards?
I found a lump approx a year ago, and i still havent done anything about it.
i find that i get pain every now and then if i bash myself even lightly on something, or if im wearing the wrong pair of underwear.
i havent gone to the doc's as i fear the outcome. im not ready to hear that news, but im also not ready for the other outcome if i dont do anything. im thinking about it every day and every day scares me.
i feel the one side is slightly heavier/achey most times also but i dont do enough on a daily basis for it to be too irritated.
ive done the online route of seeing what it could be to make myself feel better and that its 'not an issue' but as per everything online it says 'if you feel anything out of the ordinary, go see a doctor'
so i know i should, but i need a hand to hold.
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I found a lump approx a year ago, and i still havent done anything about it.
i find that i get pain every now and then if i bash myself even lightly on something, or if im wearing the wrong pair of underwear.
i havent gone to the doc's as i fear the outcome. im not ready to hear that news, but im also not ready for the other outcome if i dont do anything. im thinking about it every day and every day scares me.
i feel the one side is slightly heavier/achey most times also but i dont do enough on a daily basis for it to be too irritated.
ive done the online route of seeing what it could be to make myself feel better and that its 'not an issue' but as per everything online it says 'if you feel anything out of the ordinary, go see a doctor'
so i know i should, but i need a hand to hold.
Bloody hell!!! Get to a doctor now. Aside from the lump, testicular pain can be caused by any number of things. A ruptured disc at L3-L4 presents as groin and testicular pain on the left side. The pudendal nerve can be impinged in the gut and referring pain into the scrotum. We can rule out torsion as you would’ve already lost both balls after this length of time. Waiting is never a good option. Go see a doctor now!
I found a lump approx a year ago, and i still havent done anything about it.
i find that i get pain every now and then if i bash myself even lightly on something, or if im wearing the wrong pair of underwear.
i havent gone to the doc's as i fear the outcome. im not ready to hear that news, but im also not ready for the other outcome if i dont do anything. im thinking about it every day and every day scares me.
i feel the one side is slightly heavier/achey most times also but i dont do enough on a daily basis for it to be too irritated.
ive done the online route of seeing what it could be to make myself feel better and that its 'not an issue' but as per everything online it says 'if you feel anything out of the ordinary, go see a doctor'
so i know i should, but i need a hand to hold.
Is the lump hard and painless, located actually in the testicle?
its hard but sensitive to the touch, if i feel for it it causes a dull ache
So the lump is within the testicle itself not outside? If so see your doctor immediately, saw this as a junior doctor young lad left it and it spread to his spine and lungs. He died few months later, it’s not worth any delay.
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So the lump is within the testicle itself not outside? If so see your doctor immediately, saw this as a junior doctor young lad left it and it spread to his spine and lungs. He died few months later, it’s not worth any delay.
I literally NEVER told a patient, "Oh, I'm so glad you waited to come see me" for anything. I can't stress more strenuously that you need to see a medical professional as soon as possible. Don't be put off. If you PCP can't see you for several weeks then go to the emergency room.
So the lump is within the testicle itself not outside? If so see your doctor immediately, saw this as a junior doctor young lad left it and it spread to his spine and lungs. He died few months later, it’s not worth any delay.
its on the testicle? like not on the ball bag skin, but when i feel my testicle, i can feel it there. i hope that makes sense
I literally NEVER told a patient, "Oh, I'm so glad you waited to come see me" for anything. I can't stress more strenuously that you need to see a medical professional as soon as possible. Don't be put off. If you PCP can't see you for several weeks then go to the emergency room.
i know i need to... no pun intended but i havent got the balls for it... it is scaring the crap out of me what the outcome is
i know i need to... no pun intended but i havent got the balls for it... it is scaring the crap out of me what the outcome is
The dad in me is losing his mind worrying about you. If I lived close I’d go with you. If you have cancer you’re going to lose way more than your testicles; perhaps your life.
Feel free to send me a note and I’m happy to chat with you.
The dad in me is losing his mind worrying about you. If I lived close I’d go with you. If you have cancer you’re going to lose way more than your testicles; perhaps your life.
Feel free to send me a note and I’m happy to chat with you.
its really humbling that there is someone out there who i can talk to and is worried. ive not told a single person about this and it is plaguing my mind. i know i need to pluck up the courage. i tried to call yesterday and just froze before i even dialed the number.
its really humbling that there is someone out there who i can talk to and is worried. ive not told a single person about this and it is plaguing my mind. i know i need to pluck up the courage. i tried to call yesterday and just froze before i even dialed the number.
I’m sure that you will find caring and committed medical providers in your area. Although I’ve worked with a few whose bedside manner could use an upgrade, most of us in the profession are caring and nurturing by nature.
Testicular cancer is a younger man’s disease, broadly speaking. That said, a friend of mine who is in his 60’s was diagnosed with it a few years ago. He lost both testicles but has had them replaced with prosthetics. I knew another guy who lost his and didn’t bother. I’d seen him at nude swimming parties and honestly never even noticed.
Now, we don’t know what you will learn and these examples are worst case. I just want you to know that testicles don’t define you.
As I stated in a previous reply, it may not be related to your testicles. Referred pain in that area can be caused by any number of things.
It’s always better to have information. This is clearly causing you a tremendous amount of stress and you’ve created a monster that may not exist. My grandmother used to say that worrying is like rocking in a rocking chair; takes a lot of energy and gets you nowhere.
Be brave and make that phone call. In the States we have AM/PM clinics or “Doc in a box” that let you walk in without an appointment. Perhaps that might be a more expedient way to get it looked at.
Keep me posted and feel free to reach out offline if you prefer. Sending virtual hugs.
I’m sure that you will find caring and committed medical providers in your area. Although I’ve worked with a few whose bedside manner could use an upgrade, most of us in the profession are caring and nurturing by nature.
Testicular cancer is a younger man’s disease, broadly speaking. That said, a friend of mine who is in his 60’s was diagnosed with it a few years ago. He lost both testicles but has had them replaced with prosthetics. I knew another guy who lost his and didn’t bother. I’d seen him at nude swimming parties and honestly never even noticed.
Now, we don’t know what you will learn and these examples are worst case. I just want you to know that testicles don’t define you.
As I stated in a previous reply, it may not be related to your testicles. Referred pain in that area can be caused by any number of things.
It’s always better to have information. This is clearly causing you a tremendous amount of stress and you’ve created a monster that may not exist. My grandmother used to say that worrying is like rocking in a rocking chair; takes a lot of energy and gets you nowhere.
Be brave and make that phone call. In the States we have AM/PM clinics or “Doc in a box” that let you walk in without an appointment. Perhaps that might be a more expedient way to get it looked at.
Keep me posted and feel free to reach out offline if you prefer. Sending virtual hugs.
im honestly in tears as i read this. i will make that phone call. shitting myself is the understatement but i will do it.
thankyou for your advice i take it all on board.
im honestly in tears as i read this. i will make that phone call. shitting myself is the understatement but i will do it.
thankyou for your advice i take it all on board.
Glad you’ve made that decision. As someone who had some humiliating symptoms and a doctor who was a family friend, swallowing my pride was rough but I’m sure glad I did. Hope it all works out for you.
I am a testicular cancer survivor. I had found a lump on my left testis after actually seeing my doc for something else. I was a college student with no medical insurance

I took the advice of my college’s health center doctor and did a self exam in the shower after I got home from class. I called her office immediately after I got out of the shower. The next morning I was her first patient she did an exam. She also helped to organize and set up an appointment at our county hospital. Many visit, urine test, blood tests, ultrasounds, ct-scans, and docs examination I was told I needed surgery to remove the tumor. I almost threw up on the doctor. I knew the surgery meant losing a testicular. I had the surgery and the biopsy results showed I had cancer. Plus my ct-scan showed the cancer spread to my lymphatic system. At that time, testicular had three stages. I was 3a. 3b was terminal I didn’t do a second surgery I ended up doing chemotherapy. Two different types of chemotherapy drug cisplatin and etoposide. Chemo was extremely hard on me. I was hospitalized 4-5 times during the months of chemo treatments. I couldn’t keep food not liquids inside my body. Malnutrition and other issues caused the hospitalization. It was extremely hard on me mentally. I also was trying to finish my last term in college and also work a part time job.

I’m still alive and 21 years later I still function like all other men. I just have one testicular but no one seems to ever notice because of the size of my cock. I’m alive and well that’s the real Blessing to all that hell
I am a testicular cancer survivor. I had found a lump on my left testis after actually seeing my doc for something else. I was a college student with no medical insurance

I took the advice of my college’s health center doctor and did a self exam in the shower after I got home from class. I called her office immediately after I got out of the shower. The next morning I was her first patient she did an exam. She also helped to organize and set up an appointment at our county hospital. Many visit, urine test, blood tests, ultrasounds, ct-scans, and docs examination I was told I needed surgery to remove the tumor. I almost threw up on the doctor. I knew the surgery meant losing a testicular. I had the surgery and the biopsy results showed I had cancer. Plus my ct-scan showed the cancer spread to my lymphatic system. At that time, testicular had three stages. I was 3a. 3b was terminal I didn’t do a second surgery I ended up doing chemotherapy. Two different types of chemotherapy drug cisplatin and etoposide. Chemo was extremely hard on me. I was hospitalized 4-5 times during the months of chemo treatments. I couldn’t keep food not liquids inside my body. Malnutrition and other issues caused the hospitalization. It was extremely hard on me mentally. I also was trying to finish my last term in college and also work a part time job.

I’m still alive and 21 years later I still function like all other men. I just have one testicular but no one seems to ever notice because of the size of my cock. I’m alive and well that’s the real Blessing to all that hell

Thanks for sharing your story, especially since you’re doing well and have total function. So many advances have been made in 20 years, proton therapy not the least of these.
I was hoping we’d get more survivor stories for the OP. He’s been quiet for awhile so I’m hoping that he’s doing well.
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Thanks for sharing your story, especially since you’re doing well and have total function. So many advances have been made in 20 years, proton therapy not the least of these.
I was hoping we’d get more survivor stories for the OP. He’s been quiet for awhile so I’m hoping that he’s doing well.
I hope he’s doing ok. I know it wasn’t easy for me but I look back now I’m glad I’m
Alive. I’m not embarrassed by having only one testicular
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Early detection is key. I never noticed a lump, but my right testicle became heavier over a few month - finally it was twice as big as the other one. The extra weight caused some dull ache. Had surgery two weeks after seeing my doc. Still stage 1, only surgery and afterwards radiation of the adjacent lymph nodes. This was 26 years ago - standard in Canada then, now they will only do surgery and then regular follow up with CT. Mentally draining, but I had no long term physical effects. The other testicle takes over and produces more Testosteron. Also, nobody ever noticed, and pre-COVID I was using open public showers 6 days a week.
It may be scary, but 95% survive when the cancer is detected early. It’s rare, but not that uncommon. Nothing to be embarrassed about.
Hello all!
so i thought id give you an update on the situation....
as you know i was nervous about going to have anything checked out for obvious reasons and i took the first step in booking an appointment to see my gp who got me in that day. she was very reassuring and although i was very nervous i did calm down a bit after talking to her. she gave me a lot of positives saying that nothing feels odd or out of the ordinary but there is the lump which needs to be checked properly. so i am waiting for a call to have an ultrasound to find out whats going on inside.
im still bricking it, not gonna lie, but i appreciate all those who commented and made me push myself to go get checked out.
i still dont have an answer but im on the way. the first step was the hardest but its done and its now out of my hands.
ill update you with the next step whenever that may be
thankyou all again