I saw a quote once, and it rang true with me, especially regarding this particular site: A straight man will lie about his own size, a gay man will lie about someone else’s size. I in no way attempted to diminish the gay commmunity in any capacity, it’s just a simple pattern that I’ve noticed. I apologize if anyone was offended by this, because I know this is not a concrete rule.
Unlike you, this "quote you saw once", does NOT in any way ring true for me. Because my life experiences as a GAY man, (45 years of professional experience, lol) does not in any way comport to your "quote". At all. I believe you were trying to be witty; levity is always a good thing IMO here at LPSG. However, one must know one's audience when one attempts humor.
Please allow me to give you a little personal perspective. I make it a habit to read ANY thread from the beginning all the way through BEFORE I comment. That was the best piece of advice I received early on when I first joined. That habit has served me quite well; I highly recommend it.
I've seen it written "All straight men are homophobes". Nope, not in my life experience. Not even close. My best male friend is straight--not once in the 23 years have I seen/perceived any homophobia from him.
However, I have experienced it from others who presented as straight. But I know it would be wrong of me to generalize about straight men. About any subject. That's not to say that there aren't gay men laser-focused on the peen. Just like some of the "straight" guys here seem laser-focused on the peen. And that's okay. Cuz all of us, gay or straight, are different. Unique.
From my six years experience here, these forums appear to be comprised of about 90% men and 10% women. There are many many cool peeps, both straight and gay, and drum roll, wait for it...women too! Some of said women also are, shall we say, not 100% straight.
That brings me to my point--you don't indicate your sexuality, so that's why I asked what was your intent as I was didn't want to jump to the wrong conclusion. I'm still a tad lost about your overall point though. Could you be so kind as to explain what this pattern within the gay community is that you've noticed? Cuz the only patterns I've noticed are the flannel plaid shirts at the Leather/Bear bars! And yep, that's me stereotyping my peeps. But not all of us wear plaid, or do all of us look good in it, lol.
I don't think that I am offended. At least yet, lol. That depends on our future discussion, which I look forward to. I'm always open to hearing the thoughts and opinions of others. I'm never too old to learn.