The $10,000 10-inch challenge

This almost feels like those massively popular talent shows where they put hopeless delusional people on for comedic effect and everyone proceeds to mock them and laugh. I’m not saying they don’t deserve it (hell, I laughed), but I feel like some might not be playing with a full deck.
This almost feels like those massively popular talent shows where they put hopeless delusional people on for comedic effect and everyone proceeds to mock them and laugh. I’m not saying they don’t deserve it (hell, I laughed), but I feel like some might not be playing with a full deck.
you may be in the fold because you act like a 3 in increase is unimaginable
closed the loop.
am answering myself.
@petergroot haha well spoken whats tp and nice since of humor because this site deserves gratitude for functioning transparently
Bursts through the door (a la Kramer) into a party of people he doesn’t know, all while wearing a tinfoil hat and sparklers in each hand. Proceeds to sing the “Pina Colada” song in Swahili to a trash can and wonders why no one applauds.
Ok, once again I’ll do it, just to summarize. You have been “lurking” on the site, you knew this thread well enough to pick the user name “here2claimtheprize” yet you didn’t bother to adhere to any of the rules of this contest. I am HIGHLY suspect that you don’t know what the rules are, especially seeing as how @MisterB was gracious enough to specifically tell you what was required and not to bother with anything less than that.
Yet, you came back sputtering indecipherable gibberish and, most importantly, NO MEASURING photo!
So, now I’m going to put my money on the strong likelihood that you, having already fulfilled option B, will now end up with option C as well. Given your reading comprehension skills I also will put money on you not making it through this whole post of mine.
Bursts through the door (a la Kramer) into a party of people he doesn’t know, all while wearing a tinfoil hat and sparklers in each hand. Proceeds to sing the “Pina Colada” song in Swahili to a trash can and wonders why no one applauds.
Ok, once again I’ll do it, just to summarize. You have been “lurking” on the site, you knew this thread well enough to pick the user name “here2claimtheprize” yet you didn’t bother to adhere to any of the rules of this contest. I am HIGHLY suspect that you don’t know what the rules are, especially seeing as how @MisterB USER] was gracious enough to specifically tell you what was required and not to bother with anything less than that.
Yet, you came back sputtering indecipherable gibberish and, most importantly, NO MEASURING photo!
So, now I’m going to put my money on the strong likelihood that you, having already fulfilled option B, will now end up with option C as well. Given your reading comprehension skills I also will put money on you not making it through this whole post of mine.
indeed Kramer...
and we all know how THAT ended.
yet you didn’t bother to adhere to any of the rules of this contest

Yeah, but imagine how boring this thread would be if nobody ever did that. We'd be on page five or something. I think somebody just made up that prize claimer guy because it had gotten so dead in here lately. ;)
Yeah, but imagine how boring this thread would be if nobody ever did that. We'd be on page five or something. I think somebody just made up that prize claimer guy because it had gotten so dead in here lately. ;)
Ha! You know, it’s funny because I was thinking that this morning. @Mr. LPSG probably created that account to liven the thread up.:joy:
i believe a debit card is four point 5 like i said this is just a preview the sin was discouraging on a freaky day i can get 3 inches longer so thats already 9 happy sunday women and admin watch a sermon online and if you havent already peeped do it after the lords day (its ok to jack off to girls though) hopefully ill have the yard stick and the spirit next time peace
here2claimtheprize for what? You really are no exception in claiming some figure based on a bad measurement. I also guess there is no prize for being numero 100 to try this (didn’t count the number of attempts).

But maybe it’s just that estimating isn’t one of your skills given your estimation of the size of a credit card. You are only about 35% off. And maybe measuring isn’t one of your skills either. Because you clearly show you’re not twice as long as the credit card, yet you believe so
My favourite part of this thread is this sort of stuff. Reminds me of that one guy who kept insisting it was 10 inches because his head was 2 inches long and his penis was 5 heads long with photos of his penis head shopped next to his actual penis indicating it was 5 penisheads long.

Great stuff.
My favourite part of this thread is this sort of stuff. Reminds me of that one guy who kept insisting it was 10 inches because his head was 2 inches long and his penis was 5 heads long with photos of his penis head shopped next to his actual penis indicating it was 5 penisheads long.

Great stuff.
Ha! I missed that one. Brilliant. Man, people can be bonkers.
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Very considerate of you to feel guilty for using your ancestors, and that on a sunday.
Being a sunday, and rescpecting you not being a lop-sided face guy, you can take the shot(or two, or three of tequila is it?) and then credit-card your way into the dusty display case of this thread along with the other pretenders, charlatans, bullshitters, liars, delusionists, fantasists, tricksters, photoshoppers and assorted funny guys to the 10" throne.
The question now, if past is prelude, is how long you will keep coming up with ever more creative ways to convince us, and more importantly, TP, who is putting up the money.
As usual, it is good for a laugh for and a diversion from all the other shit thats happening in the world.
I think he is settling in to that dusty display case nicely.