The $10,000 10-inch challenge

Always great when Dr. Rena Malik is out there spreading misinformation. According to her, Matt Barr has been scientifically verified at 14.4 inches long and 8.5 girth. No sources given on that verification. "Science" apparently.

Amazing. Only a year ago he was claiming 11 inches in length, and now it's suddenly 14+, and it causes him all sorts of life problems, so he wears a shirt that says half man half horse.

I suppose I agree. He is half horse. Not the half he thinks though.
Dude is fake af
Dude is fake af

Hey now, I'm 8ft tall bodybuilder without even needing to lift weights or shoot roids or anything, and they told me I was too big and ripped to compete at the Mr.Olympia contest. And my penis is 14.5" inches long and 8.5" around, too, so I can verify that he's totally legit, and just like me, he was verified by scientists at a laboratory too. Source - Trust me, bro.
Hey now, I'm 8ft tall bodybuilder without even needing to lift weights or shoot roids or anything, and they told me I was too big and ripped to compete at the Mr.Olympia contest. And my penis is 14.5" inches long and 8.5" around, too, so I can verify that he's totally legit, and just like me, he was verified by scientists at a laboratory too. Source - Trust me, bro.
It is pathetic that doctor Malik is endorsing this kind of lies, her channel lost a lot of credibility for me. Matt Barr guy looks mentally ill and his case is a total hoax.
Exactly. I wasn't even aware that his candy land growth was starting back in 2022 with his 10.5 claim.

What got me is that Dr. Rena Malik is spreading this 14.4" x 8.5" cetacean story while she claims to be debunking myths.

Also, this imbecile is on her channel talking about his big dick problems, while also talking about using a pump to inflate to 12 inches: Life with one of the world's largest penises? I was banned from yoga

Clearly, he is mentally ill, but the one that I'm disappointed in is Dr. Malik, who ought to be the adult in the room and ask Mr. Barr exactly WHICH 3rd party scientifically verified his erection size. She is instead using her platform to be used for humble-bragging wildly fictional dick dimensions.
I mean, did she ask to see it herself? Why didn't she have him whip it out and make him do a measurement? Are there papers or certificates verifying, under signature, his dick is what he claims it to be?
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I mean, did she ask to see it herself? Why didn't she have him whip it out and make him do a measurement? Are there papers or certificates verifying, under signature, his dick is what he claims it to be?

I could understand, out of politeness, her not asking to look at it directly or pull it out. But, she certainly ought to have asked for the paper certification, which could be looked up independently, from whichever third-party verified it and outlined the methodology by which it was measured.

Or even done a basic Google search on him to see if any thrid party claimed to have measured it, their credibility, and the methodology. If she'd even taken the time of day to do that, she'd realize none exist, and she'd also see the contradictory claims of this man, his growing claims, and the photos of him in wet pants making whatever he's stuffed into them visible, as well as him wearing the "half horse" shirt, or the fact he's published a book. Even if the guy's story were true (it is not), at best, he'd be an extreme humble-braggar, undermining the whole "don't wish for a bigger dick" point Dr. Malik was trying to make.

The very point of this thread is to debunk these wild claims, setting the bench mark of "first one must prove 10" nbp is possible," which in five years none have done. One would think Dr. Malik ought to be made aware of its existence, and the fact she's entirely ignorant of it, yet claims to be an expert in the field destroys her own credibility.
It is pathetic that doctor Malik is endorsing this kind of lies, her channel lost a lot of credibility for me. Matt Barr guy looks mentally ill and his case is a total hoax.

Yes, and that's my issue. She is endorsing the lie. If anyone needs to visual how outlandish a claim this is, there is no need to buy a 14.4" x 8.5" silicone dildo. All they need is 3 standard soda cans. Stack them up. That is 14.49" inches, and 8.16" around. The guy is claiming to have erections that large, actually, slightly girthier. In fact, I issue a challenge to anyone here (sorry no cash prize); go stack three soda cans and try not to laugh at the idea someone claims to have a dick that big.
Yes, and that's my issue. She is endorsing the lie. If anyone needs to visual how outlandish a claim this is, there is no need to buy a 14.4" x 8.5" silicone dildo. All they need is 3 standard soda cans. Stack them up. That is 14.49" inches, and 8.16" around. The guy is claiming to have erections that large, actually, slightly girthier. In fact, I issue a challenge to anyone here (sorry no cash prize); go stack three soda cans and try not to laugh at the idea someone claims to have a dick that big.
And his cock seems to get bigger every year, first it was 10.5 inches and 11 with a pump and now it is 14.5 inches, he does not even stay true to his measurements. He looks like a total nutjob
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Yes, and that's my issue. She is endorsing the lie. If anyone needs to visual how outlandish a claim this is, there is no need to buy a 14.4" x 8.5" silicone dildo. All they need is 3 standard soda cans. Stack them up. That is 14.49" inches, and 8.16" around. The guy is claiming to have erections that large, actually, slightly girthier. In fact, I issue a challenge to anyone here (sorry no cash prize); go stack three soda cans and try not to laugh at the idea someone claims to have a dick that big.
She's doing it for the clicks!
Most have been 8/9, only had 2 above 10. One I measured because we were at my place and I need to know my own personal record. 11.6in and I didn’t walk for the rest of the day. I’m surprised there’s not more verifiable hung(9+) guys on here. It may be more rare than I thought!
Closet video
Most have been 8/9, only had 2 above 10. One I measured because we were at my place and I need to know my own personal record. 11.6in and I didn’t walk for the rest of the day. I’m surprised there’s not more verifiable hung(9+) guys on here. It may be more rare than I thought!
Closet video I’ve run across to how big it was.
Most have been 8/9, only had 2 above 10. One I measured because we were at my place and I need to know my own personal record. 11.6in and I didn’t walk for the rest of the day. I’m surprised there’s not more verifiable hung(9+) guys on here. It may be more rare than I thought!
You do know that you only measure one side, right? More fantasy BS......
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You do know that you only measure one side, right? More fantasy BS......
How else would I measure it? A fantasy for a random thread I ran across? I’ve never been into pretend.